19. The Aftermath

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Y/n's POV:

The next morning I woke up with a sore throat from crying the night before. I looked over to see that Matt was still fast asleep so I got out of bed as slowly as I could, being careful not to wake him up.

I went downstairs to go to the kitchen for water only to find Eli sat on Matt's couch watching TV. He mustn't have heard me come down because he jumped as I quietly said his name.

'Jesus you fucking scared me.' He said, turning his head round to face me before turning it back around to carry on watching TV.

'Sorry.' I mumbled quietly. I then walked towards the couch and saw a pillow and a blanket next to him.
'Did you sleep down here last night?'

'Yeah.' He replied nonchalantly.


'The talk with Klitz didn't go so well.'

'Eli i'm sorry,' I said in an apologetic tone while sitting on the edge of the couch next to him. 'Can we talk?'

'Do we have to y/n' Eli sighed, taking his eyes off the TV and looking at me instead.

'Not if you don't want to, I can go.' I said standing back up again.

Eli must have felt slightly guilty because he sighed again and moved over slightly to give me more room, signalling for me to sit.

I sat back down slowly and turned toward him. I opened my mouth to apologise again but was interrupted by Eli.

'It's not really you I'm mad at, I'm mad at Klitz.' I instantly shut my mouth to let him talk.

'Klitz has just always told me anything and everything, I've always told him as well. It just hurts that he hid this massive thing for so long.'

'I know I get that, Klitz does as well. He always felt bad for hiding it from you guys.'

'Yeah right.' Eli scoffed while rolling his eyes.

'No Eli I mean it, sometimes he would randomly just bring up the fact he wanted to tell you guys. He said he felt guilty, that he felt as if he was lying to you both.' Eli looked at me with a look on his face that I knew meant that he was listening to every word I had to say.

'I told him that I'm ok with him telling you guys if it's what he needs not to feel so guilty, but he always said that he didn't want to put any pressure on us because didn't want to change what we had.'

Eli looked up sharply 'Wait...had??' He said with furrowed brows.

I inhaled with worry, 'Well yeah..we made it official last night.'
I quickly looked up to see Eli's expression because I had no idea if Klitz told him or not.

'Oh yeah... Klitz told me that last night.' He said, looking down again. I quietly sighed from the relief of the fact I wasn't the one to break the news.

'It's not the fact you two are together that's the problem, it's just that it was kept from me for so long.'

'I would be angry too to be honest.' I mumbled looking down at my hands and picking my fingers. 'But all I know is that it was hard for Klitz to keep it from you.'

Eli nodded and there was a moment of silence.

'So I guess that means I don't have a chance anymore?' He smiled while nudging me with his shoulder. I smiled back and nudged him harder with a giggle.

'I am happy for Klitz...If you didn't date him he would die a virgin.' He mumbled, making me laugh.

I stood up and finally got my water before walking back past the couch, leaning down and kissing Eli's forehead before heading back upstairs. I went into Matt's room quietly and sipped my drink, looking at Klitz as I did so.

Klitz x y/n (fem)Where stories live. Discover now