27. Worst Hangover

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up to the sunlight beaming right into my face. I groaned and turned over to try and shield my face from the blaring light. When suddenly I had this churning in my stomach and this burning feeling in my throat. I sat up and Klitz groaned from the blanket falling off him slightly at my movement.

'What are you doing?' He mumbled sleepily while rubbing his eyes.

Matt and Eli lay on the floor in the little DIY bed they made the night before, still fast asleep. I put my hand on my stomach and furrowed my brows.

'Are you okay?' Klitz said sleepily while sitting up. Matt and Eli stirred awake from the noise we were making and looked over, squinting slightly from trying to get their eyes to adjust to the light

'I..I don't..' I sharply put my hand over my mouth. 'I'm gonna throw up.' I said while quickly getting out of bed and running to the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

Klitz jumped out of bed and ran to follow me. I crouched down on the floor in front of the toilet and instantly started throwing up.

'Y/n are you alright? Let me in.' He said while knocking.

'I'm f-fine Klitz.' I said unconvincingly, my head still over the toilet.

'No you're not, you're throwing up. Let me in.' He said sternly.

'Klitz I said I'm fine. Go back to bed.'

'No, I'm not leaving you by yourself when you're sick.' He said, raising his voice.

'Fuck can you just get Eli then.' I said while trying not to gag.

'Why do you need Eli?' He said with a tinge of confusion in his voice.

'Klitz please just get him!' I snapped.

I rested my forehead on the toilet, taking deep breaths in hope it would get rid of the nausea. Eli walked in a few moments later, closing the door behind him.

'Why me?' He said sleepily while rubbing his eyes.

'Because you're gross so I don't care about being gross around you.'

'So mean but also so sweet.' He said sarcastically.

I didn't even have time to laugh because of the burning sensation in my throat burning stronger, alerting me that I was gonna throw up again. I dunked my head back into the toilet bowl and Eli jumped at the sudden sickness and sat on his knees next to me and held my hair back while grimacing and looking away from me.

When I stopped throwing up I wiped my mouth with my sleeve.

'Can you..turn..the shower on.' I mumbled while panting.

'Why do you need the shower on? Are you stripping?' Eli said with a grin.

'I'm literally throwing up and you're still thinking about me naked.' I scoffed. 'It's so Klitz can't hear me.'

Eli didn't question me, he just did it and sat back down next to me.

'Is there anything I can do?' Klitz said from the other side of the door.

'NO...actually...yes, can you get me mcdonalds.' I said lifting my head up from the toilet bowl.

'Mcdonalds? Uh..okay.' He said in a puzzled tone.

'Why?' Eli whispered so Klitz couldn't hear him.

'Because I don't want him here right now.' I mumbled, lowering my head back into the toilet bowl. After a minute or so I heard the front door close. 'You don't have to actually stay here, it's gross.' I said while looking up to Eli.

Klitz x y/n (fem)Where stories live. Discover now