44. Relationship In The Open

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Klitz's POV:

Y/n said we were going to meet up at the diner at 10AM. She said her grandad can drive so she would prefer for me to just meet them there instead of driving together so then we can have a proper introduction or something.

I was quite nervous because I've never been introduced to anyone's parents as their boyfriend...obviously. But y/n called me in the morning and talking to her calmed my nerves a bit. I made sure not to overdress but not to underdress either. I just wore a button-up and khakis with the cleanest trainors I own.

Y/n's POV:

Me and Grandpa took my parents' car. When we were asking to borrow the car, my parents asked why and Grandpa kept his promise and didn't tell my parents that we were going to meet Klitz. He just said we've just decided to go for a bite to eat.

When we got there we ordered coffee and I ordered Klitz, a diet Pepsi since that's what he always gets. After that I went out to the front to wait for Klitz. He got here exactly when it turned 10 and met me with a hug.

'Hi, are you ready?'

'As ready as I could be.' He said while picking his nails.

We walked over to where my grandad was sitting and he stood up and greeted Klitz with a smile. Klitz smiled back as we walked up.

'You were right, he is tall.' My grandad says, looking Klitz up and down.

'This is my grandpa Peter and grandpa this is Kl...Tim.'

'Kltim?' My grandad questioned.

'Yeah my name is Tim but only my mom calls me that. Everyone else calls me Klitz because it's my second name.' Klitz smiled with a nod.

'Klitz?' He smiled, and I nodded. 'Bad luck boy.' He says while taking Klitz's hand in his own and shaking it firmly.

After that we sat down, me and Klitz at one side, my grandad on the other side, the waitress came over basically straight away. We ordered our food and Klitz was thanking me for ordering him a drink then my grandad chirped in.

'So how long have you two been together then.' My grandad asked, hands held together and rested on the table in front of him.

'5 months.' Klitz smiled.

'So how come you haven't told your parents.'

'We wanted to be able to date without putting pressure on the relationship. We didn't tell our friends at first either but I knew mom would be annoying with it and dad would just hate him.' I explained.

'And what do your parents think?' He asked while turning his head toward Klitz.

'It's only my mom at home and I haven't told her either. She's very protective and I've never had a girlfriend before so I don't know how she will react. I'm telling her as soon as y/n tells her parents though.' Klitz replied while shaking his leg. I sat my hand on his leg for a second to let him know that it's okay and there's no need to be nervous.

'So what are your grades like?'

'I have either A or A+ in all my classes.' Klitz replied while playing with his fingers but holding eye contact with my grandpa.

'And what colleges have you applied for?'

'I've actually already been accepted into Yale.'

My grandad sat back in his chair with a smile and an impressed nod.

'So uh grandad I wanted you to meet Klitz but there's also a few other things I wanted to talk about.' I said now, getting nervous myself.

'Sure, what is it?'

Klitz x y/n (fem)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant