40. The More Power (SMUT)

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Y/n's POV:

It has now been 2 and a half months since I applied for Yale and me and Klitz have been together for nearly 5 months. I knew I could be getting my letter any day and it was torture. I would come home from school and the first thing I would do is check the mail. Every time I heard the postman I would sprint to my door.

Klitz applied a week before me so he might get his letter from Yale before me. We both decided that we were going to wait and open the letter together.

I had heard from some of the other colleges I applied for and got acceptance letters from two of them. I was happy obviously, and it's nice to know that if I don't get into Yale then I have a backup plan. But it just made me even more nervous to hear back from Yale.

My mom and dad were going to Santa Monica for another conference. When they told me I acted relaxed about it so they didn't think I was excited for them to leave or anything but inside I was screaming. After they told me I went over to Klitz's. I was so excited I was basically vibrating. A few seconds after I knocked Klitz's mom opened the door.

'Oh hi y/n' She said with a smile.

'Hey, is Klitz home?'

'Yeah he's in his room, come in.'

Me and Klitz went over to each other's houses all the time and his mom was really cool with me going over. We hadn't told either of our parents yet because neither of us wanted to deal with the pestering it would cause.

I went up to Klitz's room and he was sitting on his bed writing something, probably doing homework. He looked up when he heard the door open and I just jumped onto his bed and landed on my front right infront of him.

'Where did you come from?' He asked with a grin.

'A vagina.'

'Funny.' He said, rolling his eyes while shoving his homework back into his backpack.

'I know...I am.' I said while rolling over to lie on my back.

'Why did you come over then?'

'Am I not allowed to just want to see you? Are you telling me you want me to leave?' I said, pretending to be offended.

'You know I don't mean that stupid.' He smirked.

'So you know when you stayed at my house when my parents were away.'
I said while looking up to the ceiling.

'Yeah?' He replied with a confused face while leaning back onto the headboard of his bed.

'Well I was just wondering...if you wanted to do that again.' I asked nonchalantly.

'What?' He exclaimed while instantly sitting up.  'When? Are your parents going away again?' He leaned forward to look down at me properly.

I didn't give him a reply, I just grinned at how excited he was.

'Y/n when?' He said while placing his hands on both sides of my face so I would answer him.

'Three days.'

'For how long?!'

'A week.'

He grinned and instantly leant down fully and just kissed me all over my face. I laughed before pushing him away and sitting up and kissing him properly.

The kiss wasn't technically a proper one because we both smiled the whole time...we did the best we could anyway.

Those three days were torture, they couldn't of gone any slower. I told Klitz that I wasn't doing anything sexual with him at all in those three days just to make it even better when we could do it in a free house. He wasn't happy with this but he cheered up when I whispered exactly why I wanted to wait and what I wanted him to do on our first night.

Klitz x y/n (fem)Where stories live. Discover now