24. Nearly Time

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Y/n's POV:

In the morning we woke up to Klitz's phone loudly ringing, making us both screw up our faces. He kissed my head and patted it, motioning me to move to the side so he could sit up. He sat on the side of the bed with a sigh and grabbed his phone off the side.

'Hello?' He mumbled while taking his glasses from the bedside table and putting them on. He sighed again 'Eli what do you want.'

I smiled while I heard Eli's voice muttering, unable to make out any words. I sat up and rubbed Klitz's back before sliding my hands under his shirt and around his waist to the front while leaning into the back of him. I rested my cheek on his shoulder and looked up to him while Eli's little voice muttered on. I quickly got bored and pressed soft kisses from Klitz's shoulder to his neck. Klitz's breath deepened as he led his hand to my head, letting his fingers stroke through my hair. As I led up to under his ear my kisses got sloppier and I lightly bit making Klitz let out a shadow of a whimper.

He instantly started trying to wiggle away from me. He looked back to me with wide eyes and mouthed 'I'm on the phone to Eli.' to get me to stop.

'I know.' I whispered while moving one of my hands from his chest to his crotch making Klitz gasp slightly.

Now that I was closer I could hear Eli more clearly.
'Dude are you jerking off, why are you making those noises?'

Klitz's face grew red. 'N-No dude I stubbed my toe. I'll be there soon anyway. Bye.' He said while quickly hanging up.

He pulled away from me, stooped to and turned towards me. 'So not funny.' He said, trying not to smile.

'I think it's a bit funny.' I mumbled while rubbing my hand from his knee to his crotch which was eye level to me. He threw his hands over mine in an attempt to stop any friction between my hand and his clothed dick.

'As much as I love it when you touch me like that, I really don't have time for a raging boner right now. We need to get ready for school.'

I rolled my eyes and fell back on the bed dramatically with a huff. 'But do we NEED to?'

'Yes.' He said with a laugh 'I'd skip just so I can lounge about with you all day but Matt and Eli have no other way to get to school.' He said while rummaging through his bag and pulling out a grey sweater and his khakis.
'Am I alright to go for a quick shower?' He asked while pointing to the door with his thumb.

'Yeah of course, you don't need to ask.' I said with a smile. I pulled myself out of bed and grabbed a towel from my draw and handed it to Klitz.

He said thanks and headed to the bathroom next door. I put on a Bowie vinyl and put it on full volume so Klitz could hear it over the noise of the shower.

'Best album.' He shouted through, making me smile.

I changed into a black tennis skirt and matched it with a grey, short sleeved crop top. I looked in the mirror and inspected my outfit. It's really cute but it's quite chilly today, I thought to myself. I saw Klitz zip up sweater slouched over my chair and grabbed it. I smiled while putting it on. It was baggy and long on me but in a stylish way. I packed my bag for school and started doing my makeup but I desperately needed to pee. Why was Klitz taking so long in the shower? He's been in there for like 15 minutes.

'Klitz what's taking you so long.' I said while knocking on the door. 'I need to pee really bad.'

'I wash well. Just come in.' He shouted back.

'I'm not peeing while you're in the shower.' I yelled with a grimaced face.

'Why not? I don't care and you have a shower curtain anyway so I can't see you.'

Klitz x y/n (fem)Where stories live. Discover now