23. Home

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Y/n's POV:

A few hours later we picked to watch Saw but we were going to bake and then watch it while we decorated them.

'We should eat dinner before we bake.' I said while looking through the cupboards. 'I know what we can have.' I said with a grin as I walked over to the freezer and pulled out frozen lasagne. Klitz spun around on the bar stool. 'LASAGNA!' He exclaimed with a grin.

'Yeah! I got it because I know how much you like it. I think we have garlic bread in here too somewhere.' I said turning back to the freezer. Klitz walked over and hugged the back of me while I kept digging, 'You're so cute.' He mumbled while kissing the back of my head.

I turned around to him and kissed him properly.
'Okay get off now, I need to make dinner.' I said with a smile.

We sat at the breakfast bar while we ate and spoke about which Saw movie we should watch and which ones are the best. After we finished, Klitz cleaned up while I got the baking stuff out. We played The Clash full volume while we baked. Klitz was so fun to bake with, he was actually really good at it.

He said he baked with his mom sometimes, adorable. He bent down to peer into the oven to put the cookies in and I went up behind him and put my hands on his waist and thrusted my hips, pretending to hump him.

'What are you doing back there?' He laughed while standing up to face me.

'Just practising.' I said with a grin.

'Oh I didn't realise that's how we were going to do it.' He said sarcastically while sliding his hands around my sides, we both laughed but my laugh eventually died down while I thought about tomorrow.

'I'm actually...a bit nervous.'

'I mean..I am too but I think everyone probably is their first time.' He said as an attempt to comfort me.

'I know but it doesn't hurt for you.' I said timidly.

'You know i'll be gentle don't you?' He said softly while stroking my cheek with his thumb.

My face burnt up slightly at the way he said it.
'Yeah..I know.' I said before looking down at my feet. 'It's just that..even if you're gentle I think it'll still really hurt. More than it does for most girls their first time.'

'Why?' He asked with furrowed brows.

'Because your fucking massive Klitz.' I said now looking up to him. He blushed at my praise and gave me a quick peck,
'I know it'll hurt but it'll only hurt for a minute.' He said in between kisses.
I smiled at him before pulling away, 'Those cookies are probably ready now.' I said as I grabbed the oven gloves.

We plated up the cookies and went through to the living room with frosting and sprinkles and sat them on the coffee table. I put on the movie and we watched for around 10 minutes while they cooled down then started decorating.

Luckily we were both perfectionists so they turned out really pretty, perfectly frosted and all evenly decorated. When we finished we sat back and looked at the cookies.
'Art.' I said with a grin on my face before grabbing a cookie and sitting back down. We ate a few more cookies than we probably should have.

Klitz sat with one elbow on the armchair with his head resting on his palm and the other on my legs which sat on top of his. I hogged most of the couch but Klitz didn't seem to mind. Eventually I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to Klitz stroking my leg softly.

'Y/n.....Y/n the movies over.'

'Hm?' I hummed.

'The movies over.' He repeated.

'Okay.' I mumbled, half asleep before nuzzling my face further into my wrist which rested on my cheek.

Klitz lifted my legs gently so he could get up and sat me up by my waist.

'Why why why.' I said in an irritated tone while yawning.

'Come on...you can't sleep here, you'll get a sore neck.' He put his arms under my arms and lifted me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my cheek on his shoulder, closing my eyes again. Once he had a proper hold of me he put one hand under my thigh and the other on my back. He carried me upstairs and laid me down in bed softly before getting in next to me and wrapping his arms around me.

Klitz x y/n (fem)Where stories live. Discover now