13. The Sleepover

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Y/n's POV:

'What?' I spat with a fake hint of shock in my voice.
'No, he had an eyelash and I was getting it.' I let out a slight fake laugh.

'Oh.. right.' Eli said quietly before sitting up and leaning over my chair so his head was above mine. "Makes sense anyway considering I'm more your type anyway, right y/n?" He said while leaning further down with puckered lips making a kissing noise, half joking, half flirting.

'Yeah Eli, definitely.' I said with a laugh, patting the top of his head while rolling my eyes.

'Dude, quit it.' Matt laughed while attempting to sit Eli back down by pulling the back of his shirt which caused the neckline of his shirt to tighten around his throat. Eli made a choking noise and put his hand on his throat.

'Fucking hell Matt are you trying to choke me to death?' He spat making all 3 of us burst into laughter.

The next few weeks were amazing, I loved spending time with Klitz so much. He did end up taking me to the movies, it was a really nice night.

There was no grabbing or groping or fingering sessions in the bathroom. It was just a cute night, hand holding and cuddling, with one kiss goodbye at the end of the night. It had been weeks since me and Klitz started this...situationship? Whatever it is, and he still constantly gave me butterflies and made me red in the face, even though he definitely got red in the face more frequently than me.

Even though the night we went to the movies it was PG, does not mean that happened every day. Most days we were secretly making out in storage rooms and bathroom stalls. We haven't been going any further though, I think being so close to getting caught last time scared us a little too much.

As far as we knew Matt and Eli didn't suspect anything. Klitz told me that before anything major happened between us he spoke to Eli and Matt about me kissing him at my doorstep and said that they asked if anything else happened and he told
me that he said to them that I definitely wasn't interested in him because I was talking about a guy I found hot from school. Obviously a lie but apparently they believed it.

With practice we became quite good at hiding it and telling little white lies and excuses. We did talk about telling them but we decided it'll just put pressure on us and sneaking around is too fun anyways.

Klitz was still perfectly fine with me posting my content, I even sent him my twitter and he followed it. He doesn't know but once I saw him scrolling and saw one of my posts bookmarked, I could only imagine that that was bookmarked for.

It was Friday after school and we were all staying over at Eli's. It was my first time having a sleepover with them but I wasn't too worried. If I can go to their houses, surely I can sleep in their houses.

I obviously told my mom I was staying over at a girl from schools house considering if I told her I was spending the night with 3 guys she would have a fucking heart attack.

We all went home straight after school and decided to go over to Eli's later at night. I watched TV in bed until I heard a little bang on my window. I got up and opened my window to see Klitz holding a little pebble about to throw it.
I flinched expecting a pebble to be thrown at my face.

'Oh sorry.' He exclaimed, putting down the pebble.

'Fucking hell Klitz.' I said laughing.

'I was just letting you know it's time to go.'

'And nearly stoned me to death in the process.' I said sarcastically, making Klitz roll his eyes with a smile. 'I'm coming down now.' I then said before closing my window.

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