28. Late....

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Y/n's POV:

Klitz instantly sat up and his face dropped.

'What do you mean you're late?'

'What do you mean what do I mean? I'm late for my fucking period.' I said while accidentally shouting.

He looked up to me and just sat there with wide eyes and a mouth slightly open for a minute before finally breaking the silence.

'But we...we've only had sex once.' He mumbled quietly while dragging both his hands down his face.
'I've never heard of anyone getting pregnant when they lost their virginity.'

The word 'pregnant' made the ball at the back of my throat grow stronger and I just instantly burst into tears, I hid my face in my hands. Klitz snapped from out of his deep thought and sat cross legged and pulling me up and wrapping my legs around his waist.

He stroked his fingers through my hair while I sobbed into his shoulder, he let me sob for a few minutes before I raised my head.

'We need to get a test.' I sniffled, not even being able to say the word pregnancy.

'It's nearly 2AM, all the stores are shut.' He mumbled while cupping my cheek and stroking my bottom lip with his thumb

I felt growing nausea at the pit of my stomach. 'Klitz I feel sick again, I know you don't like me being by myself when I'm throwing up but I just need a minute alone.'

He nodded and kissed my forehead before getting up and leaving the bathroom. I crawled back into my place infront of the toilet and yet again threw up, unsure of if I was throwing up because i'm ill or because i'm fucking pregnant.

After I stopped throwing up I just sat sobbing quietly for a minute or two. I eventually felt alright enough to go back to bed, so I brushed my teeth and rinsed out my mouth with mouthwash and went back into my room where I saw Klitz laying in bed topless because I drenched his shirt with tears, holding the blanket up so I can get in.

I got in and curled up next to him, quickly wiping the tears from my face so I didn't get him wet again. He wrapped one arm around me and stroked my head with the other.

' If you are...you know. I'm gonna be there no matter what you choose to do.' He mumbled quietly.

'What would you..want me to do.'

'That's not up to me, It's your body so it's your decision. I'd want you to do whatever you want to do.'

'Yeah but if I chose to keep it, what about college?'

'Well I wouldn't go.' He said with a sigh.

'But that's your whole future gone to shit.' I said lifting my head to look at him.

'It wouldn't go to shit y/n, I'd get to spend it with you.' He said pulling me closer.

I sat my head back down and tried not to cry again, I love Klitz so much. Like he couldn't have been more supportive, I'm freaking out and even though his girlfriend might be pregnant he's still trying to be there for me as much as he can.

That night I didn't manage to sleep at all, I just lay there the whole night. Imagining how my life would go if I chose to keep it and if I got rid of it.
When the clock finally turned 7 I woke Klitz up.

'Have you slept?' He said sleepily.

'Couldn't.' I said while sitting up.

Klitz called Matt and told him that he couldn't give him a lift to school because we weren't going. I got changed and tried to make myself look less dead with some makeup while Klitz showered.

Klitz x y/n (fem)Where stories live. Discover now