Chapter 7 - Midst Hate

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The air felt tightening, the surroundings were swallowing me as I found myself amid the fire. I kept coughing while limping toward the door, the unhealthy air was entering my lungs making it even hard for me to even think straight for a moment but in my mind I knew, I have to save myself before it was too late.

"Please open the door..."

I continuously bang on the door while pushing it but nothing worked slowly my eyes started getting heavy and my surroundings blurry yet I could feel the heat overpowering my surroundings.

"Please, my maa is in the other room--

My sentence broke as my body hit the warm floor and I couldn't help but yelp loudly but there was no one to help me.

I was all alone.

"Please help me!"

I whimpered while groaning in pain but nothing helped so I just closed my eyes and let the darkness overwhelm me as it was better than seeing myself consumed by fire.


Suddenly I was awakened by a gentle tap on my face and my eyes fluttered open to see him, the man who had captured my heart and soul. 

"Zane!" I smiled, all the fear just vanished somewhere as long as he was with me.

"You look cuter when you sleep!" He said while kissing my forehead as I just snuggled more into his waist and ran my fingers over his heart that was beating out loudly.

"Why do you always compliment me?" I asked while meeting his intense gaze.

"So you know that you don't need me to know your worth, my dearest, Ruhi" He smiled while caressing my face, "I want you always to put yourself first, you should know that you come first and you don't need anyone like me to tell you that you are pretty, you don't need validation from anyone but only from you".

My eyes became watery at realizing how mature he sounded and how childish I am compared to him but he was right, I had to stop looking at the bad side.

"I know my worth because I have you".

He snorted and kissed my lips, "I love you".

Smiling I responded, "I love you more, Zane".



A snap on my face, shaking, and then someone uncovered me, the next second I was exposed to the heated sun, and finally, someone threw water at my face that almost made me gasp in the air and stare frantically at my surroundings due to the dream mix nightmare I just had. Soon I realized that I was at Mia's apartment.

"What the fuc--

Before I could curse, a banana was stuffed in my mouth making me silent and stare at Mia who was smiling at my condition along with Senne, her son. They both were giggling together as if I was some kind of prank.

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