Chapter 37 - More Than A Fear

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"Tell me the truth, Seung. Please!".

My voice held hostility as I was unsettled, stressing about my unexpected past where something more grievous happened to me and I had no recollection of it till now. I still can't accept that I was pregnant at that young age but as far as I can recall I have only been physical with Zander, only him.

And the only person who has the key to all of my questions is my brother who saved me, looked after me, and adored me more than his own life.

"I am sorry, I know I fucked up".

He shuddered, his hands were shaking and his eyes were falling apart without tears as if he was fearing something bad. It felt like he wasn't in his senses and having an anxiety attack, more like his body wasn't in his control and he was giving into his fears.

I approached him gradually and bent on my knees to peer clearly at his repentant face; it was like he was dying slowly inside each second in fear of losing me.

"Bhai, take a deep breath first," I put my palm on his back and rubbed it repeatedly so his anxiety attack could ease down and reassure him, "I am not going anywhere I promise you".

| Bhai - Brother|

Finally, he peeked at me, his paled face slowly turning normal as his eyes slowly turned spirited and then he hugged me like losing me would cost him everything even his life and he couldn't bear that. It doesn't matter if I am his blood-related sister or not as for him I am his baby sis, the woman he respects and cherishes the most, and the thought of hurting me has always tormented him from inside maybe which is why he didn't tell me the truth just because he didn't want me to dwell into my horrible past and only wished for me to enjoy my life.

"You were three weeks pregnant when I examined you on the day Mr. Sehgal brought you as an emergency case to the city hospital in Bangalore," Seung's voice wavered as his eyes peered into mine with concern, "Your face and body were extremely scarred that many surgeries were needed and---- both neuro and plastic surgeries were performed by me since you were a critical case and the chances of your survival were low".

His hands held mine strongly, they squeezed them as he took a deep breath to build his courage to tell me everything in detail which I could read in his painful eyes as he immediately started telling me.


Seven years back, Bangalore ...

"Dr. Kim, the patient is losing her pulse," The nurse panicked while I remained calm and kept cleaning the wounds on her abdomen, there were several serious wounds in that area, in the same place where her womb was so I asked the nurse a little doubtful, "Is she pregnant?"

The nurse nodded as this girl's brain surgery had already been done but the bleeding from her womb wasn't stopping, it felt like someone knowingly stabbed the knife multiple times in that particular area, not just to take her life but to take that little life inside her too.

"What's her age?"

I was completely unaware of the patient's info as I was called here in such an emergency from another hospital where I went for a conference.

Billionaire's Indian Seductress ✨ I ✨ (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now