Part 35

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Maddison pov

Over Sunday, I went out to buy new things for Harper's bedroom. I wanted to do something similar with her old room. The same colours, which were light grey and white.

I was very proud of how her room came out. Her crib was against the newly painted light grey wall; above her were four shape clouds that lit up; there was white carpet; cute photos of different animals hung on the wall; there were shelves with some of her favourite teddy bears; and next to her crib was her changing table.

A few days later, Harper soon realised something was wrong and began to cry late at night. I guess she knows she is surrounded by new people, in a new place, and sleeping in a new bedroom. I sang to her, read to her, and played with her. When she is asleep, I study and catch up with my homework.

It was a week later. I have called Megan over to my house. This was the only time to tell her about my baby, since my mom and dad were on a short work business to New York. when we got home, they haven't left for work at all and did it at home instead. In a way I was glade about that because I don't think I could have done all of this by myself.

I was freaking out about what Megan might say about me having a child she didn't know I had. We never talked about a baby. I mean why would we? I am 18 and I don't know what will happen in the future. Yet again I never thought I would have a baby at the age of 17.

My heart was pounding, palms were sweating and I was pacing around the living room, going over and over about what I am going to say to her.

Megan pov

My knuckles connect to the door. I was excited to be over Maddison house for the first time. I was confused why she wanted me to come over to her house. We haven't seen each probably in a while or talked. I was happy to be spending time with my girlfriend. I really missed talking to her and simply having her in my arms.

The door opened, and Madison smiled nervously, which got me concerned. I politely smiled back, stepping inside the homely house. I take in my surroundings—the walls that blocked us from the reality of the outside. She offered to take my coat and hang it on the coat hanger that was standing near the front door.

I followed her to the kitchen; it was a lovely kitchen to cook in. We were silent, which got me more worried for the younger woman, who was avoiding eye contact. I felt the stress that Maddison with hold. I profile her body language. Her normally light green eyes were a darker shade then usual and she was fidgeting with the bracelet that was around her wrist.

"What's wrong Maddison." I whispered loudly, earning Maddison full attention now. She breathed out, slowly approach me, and her soft warm hands took my cold hands. "What's wrong my love?" I pleaded for Maddison to answer me. I was scared that she was going to tell me terrible news.

"I have to tell you something." Her voice broke. I let go of her hands and lifted her chin up for her eyes to meet mine. Her eyes were glossed over with tears that made her green eyes glimmer. My cold heart melted at the sight. I wiped away the free tears that flowed down her pale cheeks. "When I was living in Washington, I was pregnant." Maddison told me. My eyes widen with shock, and my lips turn into a frown. The words in my throat were lost. My brain stopped functioning. It couldn't progress the sentence that Maddison just said.

"I- when? How? I mean I know how. But who? What happened." I stuttered my words, not sure on what to say. "Wait? Is that why you were in Washington?" I had assumed it was to see her brother, however I am no longer sure. She never gave me the details, just a message saying in Washington be back soon. I know her brother was in college in Washington and went to see him.

"Yes. I got pregnant when I was 16 gave birth at 17." She explained. "Why don't we sit down and I can tell you everything." I nodded agreeing with the suggestion.

As she finished the story, a cry from the little human being rang through the speaker thing that Madison kept near her. Maddison got up and ran to check on her 1-year-old daughter, which I just found out about. She came back holding a little girl who had brown hair the same as her mother and pale blue eyes that must replicate her father. I could not deny that she was very adorable. I don't even like children so me saying that was a big deal.

"I understand that you don't want to be with me anymore." She says as she feed the child. I moved closer to the little family. I stare at Harper, smiling at the beautiful face that's looks up at me with soft innocent eyes. "Do you want to hold her?" Maddison's offered. I nodded my head yes. She passed Harper and placed her in my arms.

"I still want to be with you, Mads." I finally broke the silence. "You having a baby doesn't change the way I think about you." If that was anyone else, then yes, it would have changed the way I felt, but my love for Madison is stronger than anything, and Harper is apart of her, and I love that. Those other people wouldn't have meant much to me, not like Madison does.

Maddison pov

I could have jumped onto the older woman if it wasn't for Harper that was laying in my glamorous girlfriend arms. I took in this moment, enjoying every moment. The way Megan smiled at Harper, how Harper played with Megan hair. I took my phone my pocket and snapped a quick photo.

I heard a call pull up to the house and then cars door closed. Megan heard it too and gave me a look that told me that we may be in trouble. The front door opened and my name was called.

"Maddison?" My mom called out my name before entering the living room. My dad was behind her. "Megan Morgan?" She says with confusion.

Shit. Was all could think.

Well this is interesting. This might be my last update for a little while because I have exam next month and In June. I will try my best though.

Thanks for reading:)

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