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Maddison's pov

Getting out of bed in my new flat was still strange. Two weeks have passed since I moved into my new house. I live with Aria since we both agreed that it would be a good idea since I am a college student and she is attempting to start her own business. While I will be attending college while working part-time, she is employed full-time.

It was important for me to get up early in order to prepare for my early shift at the restaurant. I made breakfast for Aria and myself, made sure Harper had her breakfast, and then, before I knew it, I was at work.

I haven't had time to truly call Megan because the past two weeks have been quite busy. I really miss her. We try to text frequently, but the time differences make it difficult. However, from what I can tell, she seems to be doing okay. She has a wonderful, gorgeous home, and judging on Ronnie's social media posts, she and her friend Ronnie are having a great time.  Though it makes me question if she ever thinks about myself the way I do, I am happy to see that she is much happier.

Valerie hasn't be in contact since I've left. It's like she didn't exists, like we were never friends. She was slowly distancing herself from everything that had happen. However there was something that stayed with me before I left to go on the plane. "I'm sorry." Was what she muttered. I wasn't sure why she had said that, I never had the chance to ask.

The day passed quickly, and I was now home in the arms of my daughter when a knock came on the door. I found this weird because I didn't know anyone, nor did Aria. I was a bit afraid, though I chose to answer. There stood a delivery man. He held out a rectangle brown box with my name on it and my address. I thanked him, closed the door, and went back to the couch.

I wonder what this could be. I never order anything...

I ripped the box open and there was a hardcover book. The cover was black with the heading above the images of a dark forest and two female that had there back to each other and under that it had the author name: Megan Morgan. I smiled widely when seeing this.

Wanting to read this straight away, I opened up the book and to my surprise there was a hand written note.

My darling Madison,
This is the first addition to the book. I miss you immensely, and I really hope you are doing well. I do love my new life, but it isn't the same without you. I miss having you in my arms; I miss having your lips and touch. I even miss having Harper try to rip my hair out. You are the most important person to me, and I will forever cherish what we had because I love you.

Your, dearest love, Megan

Tears prickle my green eyes. I opened up the first chapter and got straight to reading.

Megan pov

I sat outside in the freshly morning air drinking my cup of tea while reading a book. The sun was rising and birds singing.

Everything was almost perfect...

I just needed my one true love, Madison. Then my life will be complete. Otherwise, my life at this moment is doing fine. I had released my book, and it became very popular very quickly. Happy with the outcome, I already have a new book in mind and will be starting it straight away.

Sorry it short! It basic cause it only to show a glimpses of what life like for them both at the beginning :D

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