Author's Note

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Hey everyone! 🙋🏼‍♀️

So first of all, the reason we are here is my sweet, annoying but adorable, little soul sister Dora. It's her birthday today and my heart is full that she is growing up into such a fine human being. 🤧💕🧿 May she be blessed with all the best in the world and every wish of her heart gets fulfilled. 💫

Now, as a small treat for her birthday, I'm announcing this story because she was way too excited for this one (being a crazy potterhead just like me) and has been waiting for it for too long without complaining that I'm not starting it. So it's suffice to say that this entire story is dedicated to her. 🫶🏼

Talking about the plot, it's CANON DIVERGENCE as the description clearly states that we're gonna correct all the mistakes of the show and possibly come out with a logical, sane and... loved filled story ? Oh yeah. 🤞🏼💕

Let me know what are your thoughts, which you all know are very precious to me, in the comments and don't forget to wish Dora a very happy birthday! ❣️

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