Chapter 31 : The Time Circle

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“Abhi, look who is here!”

He was seated in the main hall, the time being half past 11 in the morning, with a laptop in his lap. He had stopped doing surgeries himself, not wanting to put any life on risk, but his juniors still asked his guidance from time to time. He was glad to help any way he could so he chatted with them on webcam, issuing instructions whenever and whatever they asked for.

At Akshara's voice, he tore his eyes away from the screen to look at her but the air in his lungs left when he saw WHO was with her.

Dr. Kunal.

“Please come in.” - she said, addressing Dr. Kunal who walked further in.

He looked at the screen again. “The final step is stitches of course.” - he said to the juniors before closing the laptop and stood up. By now, Manjiri and Parth had also walked out at Akshara's happy cry.

He forced his feet forward to greet the doctor.

“Dr. Kunal Khera.” - Kunal introduced, forwarding his hand.

“Dr. Abhimanyu Birla.” - he replied, shaking his hand.

“I know. Your wife here has told me all about you. I'm sorry to hear about your hand. Specially when it's a hand that has saved thousands of lives.” - Kunal said, his tone thankfully free of any kind of pity.

Abhimanyu gave a small smile. “It's... fate.” - he said in a resigned tone. He had accepted it as it was. Because if even after his desperate and numerous attempts to save himself from the injury, he was still in stuck in all that mess, it meant it was meant to be. God clearly wanted it to happen. Why ? He still was unable to understand.

“I understand. Some things are fated to happen whether we want them to or not.” - Kunal said, a sadness dawning in his eyes that made Abhimanyu curious. But he decided against asking him as to not sadden him further.

“He has agreed to perform your surgery!” - Akshara all but yelled. Smiling widely while having tears in her eyes.

Even though he had surmised that by the doctor's presence in their house but the announcement still caused his heart to sink. Surgery and then...

“To be honest, I have stopped performing surgeries due to some personal reasons but the hope and desperation with which your wife requested... I couldn't refuse.” - Kunal said.

Abhimanyu's eyes went to Akshara again. The tears were freely flowing down her cheeks now and his hand reached to hers. Intertwining together.

“I can't express in words how happy you have made a mother!” - Manjiri choked out, looking on the verge of a breakdown. Parth placed his hands on her shoulders, offering support.

“I am not doing anything for you. Trust me.” - Kunal said, looking somewhat guilty that made Abhimanyu frown ever so slightly.

“Please have a seat.” - Manjiri said earnestly, gaining control over her emotions.

“No no please. No formalities. I have to go somewhere anyways.” - Kunal said politely and turned to Abhimanyu again. “I am going out of city for some work. I'll be back by next week and then we can start the procedure of your surgery.”

Abhimanyu's heart thudded loudly. July was coming to an end. It was Akshu's birthday in a couple of days; August 1st. The doctor will return after a week and then they will start the procedure. each and everything was just like last time! How the hell he was supposed to keep calm ?!

“Dr. Abhimanyu ?” - Kunal grabbed his attention, sensing him lost.

“Yeah ? Yeah. That's uh... perfectly fine.” - he replied, forcing a smile on his face. “Thank you so much for whatever you are doing for us.” - he added.

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