Chapter 7 : Like A Lavender

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Akshara reached home to find the house dark. She frowned, and cautiously walked into the hall.

“Badi Mumma! Mimi!” - she called out.


A chorus of shout rang and the hall lit up with lights. There were balloons all around. Fairy lights on the walls along with a banner of ‘Congratulations Akshu’. And in the middle, was her family. Smiling at her so lovingly that she felt the warmth even from afar.

Kairav dragged her to the center before the entire family started their traditional ghoomar dance around her. She laughed, her heart feeling full at all the love. But her smile dimmed when she realized Arohi was not present there.

“Uh... where's Aru ?” - she asked as everybody stopped dancing.

“She was feeling a headache coming so she said she is retiring to the bedroom.” - Vansh replied.

“I think her interview hadn't gone well...” - Badi Mumma mused, worried.

“Don't worry. I'll check upon her.” - Akshara assured and headed upstairs to their room.

She found Arohi on study table. Reading through her medical books and furiously scribbling notes.

“Aru! I got selected!” - she cheerfully announced.

Arohi stopped writing for a moment, made a face, and resumed again.

“Of course you would. After all, it's Birla Hospital and you are their would-be daughter-in-law.” - she commented bitterly.

The smile vanished from Akshara's face. She was about to go in her usual defensive mode when Abhimanyu's words rang inside her head.

‘ have to change your behaviour with her...’

“Pity they didn't let me off the therapy program for the same.” - she tched and pressed her lips together as Arohi's head snapped to her in surprise.

“So you ARE saying that you got the job because of that...”

“Well... I didn't say that. You did.” - Akshara shrugged and Arohi snapped her book shut.

“Do you have any idea that you have shattered my dream of working at Birla Hospital ?! Because of YOU I'm having second thoughts to work there!” - Arohi shouted, coming to stand infront of her.

Akshara blinked in surprise.

“Because of me ? What did I do ?”

“You are marrying Abhimanyu THAT'S what you are doing! Do you know how he was treating me today ? Like I don't hold any academic record in MBBS, like I'm totally ignorant of the field but BECAUSE I'M YOUR SISTER, he won't go through the formalities of an interview with me!” - Arohi shouted, her usual mad look in her eyes.

Akshara made to explain Arohi again but AGAIN, Abhimanyu's words echoed in her head.

“...I had promised Sirat Maa that I won't leave Aru's side ever.”

“And you would keep your promise by helping her to heal Akshu. Agreeing with her in all rights and wrongs might make her happy for now but in the future, it will cause her a lot of problems. She would remain bitter forever...”

‘Abhi is right. Aru has turned bitter. And I won't leave my sister that way.’ - she thought to herself, determinedly.

“You have taken it all wrong Aru. He told me he was lenient with you because of me but would not have been if you weren't qualified as well.” - she told her calmly. “Infact, he also cautioned that if you will join, I should remember to keep personal and professional separate. It clearly means that he will treat you on merit. Not on favours!”

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