Chapter 22 : Wedding Reception

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Akshara walked out of her cabin around 3 in the afternoon. The day had been busier than usual what with winding up all the appointments of upcoming week. She didn't get the time to even send a 'missing you badly' message to Abhimanyu. And now, she needed to head home and pick up her mother-in-law for parlour as they both needed to get ready for the reception.

'Means no 'us time' with Abhi.' - she thought, pouting.

Deciding to stop by his cabin to at least say bye, she aimed for it but stopped short when she was passing by Harshwardan's cabin and heard voices.

"That patient was important! Do you have any idea who he was ?! The only son of the commissioner!" - shouted Harshwardan. "And you sent him in the waiting line because you were operating an orphan ?!"

A smile came over her face hearing that. That was her Abhi.

"The operation had already started and he came later. So, according to the rules, he should wait! Besides, he was just suffering from fever." - Abhimanyu replied in a bored tone.

"Abhimanyu." - Harshwardan deadpanned.

"Sir." - he replied in the same tone.

Akshara covered her mouth with her hand as she could imagine Harshwardan's annoyed face.

The door of the cabin clicked open and she quickly slumped back on the wall while a long plant in the vase supported her somewhat to hide. Abhimanyu walked out and headed straight for his cabin. His expressions were somber that caused her heart to pain and she followed right behind.

His cabin door was ajar, and she stepped inside to find him standing in the middle of the room. His back facing her as he rubbed his temples with his fingers.

The pain in her heart worsened.

'Does he ever get a break from his family ?' - she thought, remembering all the painful stories he had shared with her of his life.

She moved towards him and wrapped her arms around his chest, taking him by surprise. His shoulders slumped, as if all the tension left his body by her mere touch.

"You okay ?" - she gently inquired.

He turned around in her arms and held her hands. "You heard that ?" - he asked instead.

"Well, I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I was just passing by and heard his voice..." - she trailed off, biting her lip.

"Oh I know. He does the same at home. Shouts at the top of his lungs at Maa that the entire house hears him. And when I argue he says don't interfere in our 'personal' matter. Lord! If it's personal so keep it in the confines of your room no!" - he exclaimed, frustrated. Then a sigh escaped him. "I am sorry. I didn't want you to..." - he trailed off, sighing again.

She smiled and squeezed his hands. Although, her heart was burning to find him so distressed.

"Abhi, do you remember in one of my sessions, I had shared with you that Aru says things that disturb me for days and what had you said in return ?" - she asked, making him frown. "You had said that 'don't let her or anyone get under your skin Akshu. Specially when you know you are right. So why should a right person be tensed ? It should be the one doing wrong no ?'"

The crease on his forehead eased out, giving way to a smile. And she felt the ache in her heart somewhat lessening.

"You were and are right Abhi. And a right person is always in peace. Because his conscience is satisfied." - she said, causing his smile to widen and the ache in her heart finally ended.

"I am happy to see that you have adopted good changes due to the therapy program." - he said, tucking her hair back.

She smiled and shook her head. "No. I have adopted good changes because of you. Your support and attention on me is the reason I'm free of my past shackles today." - she whispered softly, getting lost in his eyes.

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