Chapter 4 : Objection Overruled

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Abhimanyu walked into his house with a bounce in his steps. He was smiling from ear to ear as well that surprised his mother who happened to be standing in the hall itself, instructing a servant on the meal.

“Maa!” - he shouted in joy and holding her from both shoulders, spinned.

She laughed at his behaviour while repeatedly asking to stop as her head was spinning.

“My Goodness! What's gotten into you...” - she exclaimed smilingly and he grinned.

“Love Maa! Love!” - Neil shouted coming from behind.

Abhimanyu glared at the teasing tone of his younger brother while Manjiri laughed at her sons' antics.

“Isn't he glowing Maa ?” - Neil pushed further, holding Abhimanyu's chin like a doll.

Abhimanyu smiled sweetly and Neil sensed the danger. He made a beeline for the stairs just in time as Abhimanyu advanced towards him.

“Wait till I make your cheeks glow red with my handprints!” - Abhimanyu shouted, following his brother up.

Manjiri shook her head fondly. Her heart praying for her sons' happiness in every beat.


The Birla family was gathered at the dining table when Abhimanyu decided to solve yet another problem before it could become big like last time.

“I have decided to get married.” - he started, grabbing attention of everyone.

Everybody looked at him with different types of smiles. From Manjiri's contented one to Anandwardan's surprised. But the only person who wasn't smiling, as expected, was his father.

“That's such a good news!” Anand said. “So ? Who is the girl ?” - he asked, his tone turning teasing.

Abhimanyu's own lips twitched up in a smile as he thought about the girl. His girl.

“Akshara Goenka.” - he informed calmly. Gauging his father's reaction.

“Goenka...” - Anand pondered. “The name sounds familiar...”

That was the moment Abhimanyu was waiting for. He would tell them about Akshu in his father's style.

“You would surely have. Manish Goenka ? The diamond merchant...” - he said calmly, while internally grinned when his father's eyes widened. “She is his elder granddaughter.”

“Means belongs to a nice family.” - Anand nodded his head in approval. “And how's she herself ?”

“She is... perfect.” - he said, his tone automatically getting soft that made them smile. “Has studied music therapy and I must say, she knows her job! Her voice has such a... soothing effect that I'm sure you will be mesmerized!”

Again, everybody smiled at him with only one exception.

“And apart from that, she is kind, well mannered, and loving.” - he concluded smilingly.

“Well, I must say you have me intrigued Abhimanyu. A meet with her is a must.” - Anand said and his smile widened.

“She is coming to hospital tomorrow. She has applied for the post of music therapist in the new department we are starting.” - he informed. Although nobody had told him that yet but being from the future had it's perks.

“And for the record, she had applied way before we met so I'm not involved in that.” - he added when he saw his father opening his mouth to probably object.

“That's nice. We'll meet her then.” - Mahima said smilingly.

“Don't you think you should marry a doctor...” - Harshwardan spoke for the first time in the conversation.

Abhimanyu sighed. He was expecting that from his father and was glad that he didn't disappoint.

“I don't.” - he replied as calmly as possible for him while dealing with his PR hungry and status obsessed father.

“But a life partner that matches your status guarantees a happy life.” - Harshwardan said and Abhimanyu resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

“A life partner whom you love and who loves you in return, guarantees a happy life.” - he corrected his father with a sickly sweet smile. “Besides, Akshara matches me in everything. She has a nice degree which is connected to the medical field. Our way of looking at the life is same. And to top it all, we love each other.” - he said with conviction.

Harshwardan opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out and closed it again.

‘Objection overruled.’ - Abhimanyu thought, satisfied and took a sip from his juice.

The dinner continued smoothly and he got back to eating as well with a smile. His father creating an issue regarding Akshu was also sorted now.


Around 9 in the night, Akshara was sitting infront of her dresser, braiding her hair, when her phone rang with a new number. Slightly frowning, she received the call and put it on speaker.

“Hello ?” - she greeted while finishing her work.

There was silence for a moment before the caller said :


She sucked in a sharp breath. Her heart fluttered as she recognized that voice instantly.

“Abhimanyu here.” - came his soft voice that brought an automatic smile on her face. “Hope I didn't disturb...”

“No no. It's totally fine.” - she hastened to assure then blushed.

God! What will he think!

“Actually... I was missing you.”

There went the butterflies in her stomach again. Fluttering widly. He said such a deep thing so simply that it became even more beautiful.

“Did you miss me ?” - he asked, a hint of mischief in his tone that added to her blush.

“I did.” - she replied biting her lip.

And it was the truth. Since morning, he was all she could think about.

“I want to talk to you about something as well...” - he was sounding nervous all of a sudden.

“Yes...” - she encouraged kindly.

“It's something to be talked in-person. Can we meet tomorrow ?” - he asked.

She bit her lip again. She had an interview at Birla Hospital the next day and she was thinking to pay him a surprise visit but well...

“We can. I'm coming to the hospital tomorrow morning for the interview so...” - she trailed off and could practically feel the smile coming over his face.

“Perfect! See you in the morning then!” - he said excitedly that made her grin.

“Okay. Goodnight.” - she bade before disconnecting the call.

Smiling to her herself, she switched off the lights and went to bed. Tomorrow was going to be special.


Arohi was pacing in the study room. Her brows furrowed. Expressions tensed.

‘I can't believe a doctor like Abhimanyu chose a nobody like Akshara.’

This was the thought continuously going through her mind. She had liked him in an instant. He was the first guy who was apt on her criteria. Intellect. Looks. Personality. Just the way she was and wanted her partner to be as well. She had asked for him in wishing pond from God then how could everything turn so wrong ?

‘It's all Akshara's fault. I'm sure she has done something!’ - she thought, her jaw clenching in anger. ‘After all, she has always snatched my happiness from me. But not this time. I won't let her do it!’

Her face resolute, she left the study and walked to her room which she shared with Akshara. All ready to talk to her about her feelings for Abhimanyu and ask her to back off. But she was met with a grave disappointment when she found her sound asleep.

‘Oh God!!!’ - she internally groaned. ‘Okay. In the morning.’ - she thought and begrudgingly, went to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Time Will Heal EverythingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora