Chapter 24 : Macarons Or...

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“It was both fun and informative.” - Akshara commented on the seminar as she stepped out of the hotel with Abhimanyu.

The flight had landed at London airport around 5 in the morning. From there, they had checked-into the hotel which the organizers had booked for doctors around the world attending the seminar. Taking a couple hours of rest, they had grabbed a light breakfast in the lobby before leaving for the conference room where the seminar took place around 9.

Now it was 12 in the afternoon. The sun was nowhere to be seen in the sky due to the thick fogg still clouding the atmosphere. They both were dressed up in black jeans and turtlenecks with long coats over it, thigh high boots in feet, so that they don't fall ill due to the 6° cold weather of the city. The wind blowing on the roads still caused her cheeks to flush and her nose had turned adorably red as well.

“Tomorrow is the second day ?” - she asked which made him smirk.

“No. The seminar ended today itself.”

Her feet stopped on it's own. She blinked at him in surprise.

“But, you told everyone that the seminar would take a week...” - she trailed off noticing the mischief in his eyes.

“What have you planned ?” - she asked, biting her lip as a grin threatened to form.

He grinned and drapped his arm around her shoulders to pull her in his embrace before resuming walking on the pavement.

“We already have a busy routine Akshu. On return, we have to open a department, you'll get busy in it's responsibilities, I'll become busy in the surgeries. And since we already have taken off for the wedding, I don't think we will be able to get another off for the foreseeable future. So I thought to have a small honeymoon with my gorgeous wife until we get the chance for a longer one.” - he told her with a smile.

She squealed and kissed him on the the cheek. Excitement taking over her existence.

A man passed by them in a rush, accidentally dropping his wallet there but didn't notice. It fell open and Abhimanyu picked it up. The ID card, placed on top, read : Dr. Kunal Khera.

“Excuse me! Dr. Kunal!” - Abhimanyu turned and shouted at the man who stopped hearing his name and turned to them.

They both walked towards him and gave him his wallet. “You dropped this in a hurry.” - Abhimanyu said.

Dr. Kunal smiled in relief. “Oh thank you so much.” - he said and kept the wallet in his pocket.

“That's alright.” - Abhimanyu brushed off with a kind smile.

Dr. Kunal smiled and tilted his head in adieu before disappearing in the crowded pavement.

“So many doctors around because of the seminar no ?” - she mused offhandedly and he hummed in agreement. “Anyways, so where to ?” - she asked with a wide smile, resuming the conversation they were having.

He looked at her and winked.


An hour later, they both were sitting at the airport again with their suitcase. He was busy on a call, pacing nearby, while she was tapping her foot on the floor in impatience. Because she didn't know where they were going and he was testing her patience!

‘Good afternoon passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 710 to Zurich. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you.’

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