Chapter 8 : Communication Is The Key

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The moon was calmly glowing in the sky. Light breeze was caressing Abhimanyu and Akshara's face, gently blowing her saree, as they leisurely walked in the garden. His family was seated inside while they had asked them to take a walk and discuss about the wedding. But Akshara was thinking something else. She was debating with herself on how to approach the topic.


His voice brought her back to present and she found he had stopped walking and was looking at her with a lazy smile.

“You can talk to me about anything. Without worrying about my reaction.” - he said, stunning her.

At her expressions, his smile softened and he held both her hands in his.

“Your eyes say it all.” - he answered her unspoken question. “But I want YOU to say whatever you want to. We are going to get married Akshu because we both love each other and want to live our life together. But for THAT, communication is the key.” - he continued.

Communication was the main and major factor that had created a lot of problems between them. And that's what he wanted to change this time.

“When two people of different mindset, lifestyle and personality live together, the difference in opinion is obvious. But when those differences are not sorted by communicating with each other, they become issues. And I don't want that for us.” - he said softly.

His eyes were holding hers captive while his thumbs were involuntarily rubbing her back of hands.

“I don't know how it has happened but I... I have fallen deeply in love with you. So much that just the thought of you being away from me almost kills me.” - he whispered, his eyes watering. The memories of not finding her after the surgery and then her leaving note came to his mind. And he felt like someone was cutting him into two at a very slow pace.

Thankfully, when he would go back to the future timeline, he won't remember all this. He would only remember what was currently happening. Else, he were sure to lose his mind. And he hoped, that this time he would succeed in making everything right else this whole thing could turn out into a huge disaster.

Akshu's eyes moistened as well and she swiftly shook her head while intertwining both their hands together.

“I won't EVER leave you Abhi. That's my promise to you. Not because you don't want that. But because, you are the best thing ever happened to me and I can't let you go.” - she whispered, tears falling from her eyes.

He tried to free his hands to wipe her tears but she didn't let him. Instead, tightened her hold further.

“Let them fall Abhi. They are for you. And whatever I'm feeling for you let me show it.” - she whispered and he squeezed her hands.

“So let's make a promise. No matter the situation, no matter the person, we will ALWAYS sit and talk. Will consult each other before doing ANYTHING. And will prioritize each other above EVERYONE ELSE.” - he said gently yet firmly.

It was another wound inside him that had never healed. Her, not prioritizing him, EVER. He knew it was because of her trauma that she was easily manipulated by her sister but now he was working on that. And hoped with all his might that NOW she would behave differently. Sanely.

“I promise Abhi. We will always sort it out through communication. And I will not assume things on my own, nor will you.” - she said firmly and he smiled.


She smiled in return. And he went into thinking mode that whether the moon was shinier or her smile. The moonlight was reflecting in her eyes, creating a twinkle like those stars in the sky.

“So, we have decided to talk about everything and there's something I want to ask you...” - her voice snapped him out of his trance and he nodded his head encouragingly.

“When you had confessed your feelings for me-” - she blushed here making him smirk. “-so you had said that you had sworn to stay away from all this because relationships and marriages had created a bad impact on your mind...” - she trailed off as his smiled disappeared and he exhaled a long breath. “You know you can tell me anything...” - she whispered softly, giving his hands a tender squeeze.

He turned towards the sky. His eyes now on the moon.

“In my family Akshu... not a single couple is happy with each other. They are not as they look like.” - he started. “My father despises my mother to the core because she doesn't match him in anyway. Because she is a housewife. He verbally and emotionally abuses her. I don't remember a single moment where he has talked to her normally let alone lovingly. And my mother, tolerates all this in the name of marriage. She is always so busy in making her husband happy that her own identity is lost somewhere. And that's one of the major reasons, me and my father are not on good terms.”

He sighed heavily again.

“Then there's my aunt and uncle. Who match each other in everything. So much that one is always busy trying to outdone the other.” - he chuckled humourlessly. “And then there's Parth bhai and Shefali bhabhi. One is too busy, and the other is too free. And THAT, is always a clash between them.” - he finished, exhaling yet another breath.

His eyes were suspiciously moist that were prominent in the moonlight and her heart broke at the sight.

“I was 10. It was my parents' wedding anniversary. I had planned a small surprise for them in the garden but Mr. Harshwardan Birla ruined everything.” - two tears rolled down his cheeks at the memory. And the memory of Akshu's surprise party for his parents DESPITE his disagreement just added to the pain.

Now she left his hands and turned him towards her to wipe his tears away.

“You told me in the morning that you miss your parents. Believe me, I do too Akshu. I do too...” - his voice thickened at the end, fresh tears falling from his eyes and she couldn't stand it anymore.

She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. He hid his face in the crook of her neck and broke into soft sobs. She carded her fingers through his hair in a loving and calming manner.

“Everything will be fine...” - she kept whispering soothingly until he calmed down.

He pulled back and wiped his face that was wet with tears. She set his hair with her fingers and he chuckled. Surprising her.

“I don't like anyone touching my hair. I don't allow even my mother.” - he said with a peaceful smile.

Her lips formed an ‘o’ and she dropped her hands down. His smile widened. He took her right hand and placed it back in his hair, causing her eyes to slightly widen.

“Everything will be fine.” - he repeated her whispered words. “If YOU are with me.”

Her eyes softened and she smiled at him. Which he returned wholeheartedly.


Author's Note : Double update dearies! ❤️✨

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