Chapter 34 : Everything Is Fair In Love And War

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Fortunately, none suspected Abhimanyu to be him and he safely walked out of the hospital. He was thinking to find Akshu but stopped in his tracks when he saw Dr. Kunal standing in the lawn and Akshu moving towards him.

His forehead creased in worry and he decided to follow. He quietly moved behind a tree that was close enough to listen to them if they talk and discreet enough to not be spotted by her or the doctor.


Akshara approached Dr. Kunal who had his back to her and addressed him.

“Abhi is in OT.” - she said, her tone cautious and a bit strict as well.

He turned around and she was shocked to find his eyes moist. He was... crying ?

“I have nobody else in this world. Just a sister... Maya.” - he began, making her frown. “Music was everything for her. You can understand don't you ?” - he asked in a trance.

“Can we talk about this later ? We are running out of time!” - she said but he paid no heed.

“When you sing to heal people, it becomes worship. Same was the case with Maya. It was her passion, her everything, but due to my carelessness, she lost everything.” - he continued, his eyes welling up again.

“Dr. Kunal a patient is inside! Waiting for you! It's a matter of someone's life!” - she snapped, finally breaking his trance.

“I won't go and do Abhimanyu's surgery until I keep my word!” - he shouted, shocking her to the bones. “I am sorry, I'm not like this but I have become helpless! Just like you are! Maya had pain in her throat but I didn't pay attention due to workload. The matter got serious and we had to rush her to the hospital. I had to treat my sister. My 100% success ratio, my knowledge, my experience everything failed me that day! My hands couldn't treat my own sister! And her dream of becoming a singer broke that day. Just because of me!” - he shouted, tears rolling down his cheeks.

“I am sorry to hear that but-”

“I should be sorry. It was my mistake. But it's time to make it correct now.” - his tone was determined.

“What do you mean ?” - she asked cautiously, already expecting the worst.

“I don't know what I'm doing is right or wrong but what I know is that I'm human. And humans are selfish unlike God.” - he said.

“For God's sakes Dr. Kunal! Stop talking in riddles! We don't have time! Abhi is in the OT waiting for you!” - she snapped.

He took a deep breath before saying :

“I will do your husband’s surgery, but there is a condition.”

Her eyes blazed. She knew it! She just knew it! How easily he refused to charge fee and repeatedly said he was doing that FOR HIMSELF! She knew something was going to happen!

“Out with it then!” - she said, crossing her arms, her tone dripping with venom.

“You have to give some time of your life to give a new life to my sister and fulfil her dream.” - he said and she blinked at him, not really getting his meaning. “What I mean is... you have to give your voice to my sister.”

Her jaw dropped. Seriously ?!?!?!?!

“You have to sing for her. It will be your voice, but her face. You have to name your life to her.” - he elaborated further.

She couldn't believe her ears. Was this man for real ? That was his plan all along ? To ask for her voice in return of surgery ? And he waited till the last moment so that she could not refuse! How disgusting he was!

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