Chapter 26 : A Sensible Wife

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The inauguration of the department was a grand yet smooth affair. Harshwardan, as expected, had called the media houses to cover the event so they could tell the people how Birla Hospital was a step ahead from all the other hospitals. But Abhimanyu didn't care about his father's PR stunts that day. His eyes and focus were just for Akshara as Mr. Bijoria officially introduced her as the department head and she answered media's question. But despite having all the limelight on herself, her limelight was on him. She felt an immense satisfaction when his eyes shined proudly at her. When his clap was the loudest among all. When his body language screamed that he was lucky to have her. To be a part of her life.

After conducting a session, she was making her way towards her cabin, when a hand grabbed her wrist and she was pulled into the store room.

"Abhi!" - she gasped, her tone admonishing. But just a look at his face, lit with a naughty smile, and her traitor heart started beating wildly.

It was a common occurrence now. Her losing senses by a mere glance at him. But today, she was finding it harder than usual to stop herself from being distracted. He was dressed up in black jeans white tee and a black denim shirt over it. It was not like his dress up was over the top, but she didn't know why he looked extra handsome to her in that shirt. So much that the thought to eat him as whole and alive crossed her mind several times throughout the day. Leaving her a blushing mess.

A surprised gasp broke through her lips as his fingers sensually caressed her bare waist before pinching lightly to catch her attention.

"I am standing right infront of you and yet you are lost in thoughts. Not fair." - he whispered, shaking his head.

There was a glint in his eyes, a carefree mischievousness, that made her smile as well.

"The question is, why are you standing here Dr. Birla ? Shouldn't you be in OT at the moment ?" - she asked innocently while locking her arms behind his neck.

He placed both his hands at her waist and pulled her flat against himself. "No. Dr. Anand is doing that surgery now. So I got the time to practice."

She frowned. "Practice ?"

"Yes. Since you are going to be a lot busy now and I won't get to see you that often, so I'm practicing to pull you in empty cabins, store room and whatnot at every chance I get." - he enlightened her just as innocently.

Her head fell back and a twinkling laughter escaped her that rang in the store room.

"Is there any time of the day when you are NOT in the mood ?" - she teased, grinning from ear to ear.

"Well, yes. When I'm sleeping." - he replied seriously and she laughed again.

"But we are on duty at the moment Dr. Birla. And you are in my way to fulfill it. What will Mr. Bijoria say that I'm failing as a head already ?" - she gasped dramatically and he tched for added effect.

"That's why I'm saying, give me a kiss quickly so we can get back to our work." - he said smiling innocently.

She chuckled and pecked his cheek. He glared at her that sent her in peels of laughter.

"Abhi let me work naaa... I promise, I'll shower you with kisses on reaching home." - she bargained but he groaned.

"Your brothers are coming to take you for Pagpheras." - he whined.

She bit her lip. That had slipped her mind. After the inauguration, when her family was leaving, Mimi had talked about that post-wedding ritual which remained unfulfilled due to them leaving for the seminar. Abhimanyu knew how seriously her great-grandmother takes every ritual so he agreed readily. Although, she had seen the way his face had fell that she'll be away even for a night. It was both cute and funny.

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