Chapter 18 : The Starry Sky

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"Akshu has to grind all this by her hands ?" - Badi Mumma exclaimed, looking at the large plate filled with raw turmeric.

Mahima smirked.

"Yes. It is a ritual. The bride grinds turmeric with her own hands and then it is applied to the groom." - she told them calmly.

Mimi and Badi Mumma shared a look. Understanding at once that Mahima was taking revenge. Akshara sensed the tension in the air and decided to intervene.

"It's alright. I'll do it." - she assured with a smile and left taking the plate along.

The moon was shining in the sky. Creating a glow in the atmosphere as she walked into the courtyard. She made the setup to grind turmeric and sat on the stool to start working as it would easily take her two hours to grind all the plate.

Just then, she heard light music starting playing and she looked back to see Abhimanyu, who had just placed the Bluetooth speaker on the cot, smiling at her.

"When music lovers listen to good music while working, their stamina boosts up." - he said, walking towards her and sitting on the floor beside her.

O' Rangrezzz....

She didn't know about stamina boosting up but she surely was getting lost in his eyes as he stared at her transfixed.

O' rangrez tere, rang dariya mein,
Doobna hai bas tera banke haye...
Nahin rehna dooja banke...

"Akshu..." - he called her out softly but she didn't hear and it made him smile.

Ek bhi saans, alag nahi leni,
Kheench lena pran is tan ke haye...
Nahin rehna dooja banke...

A gust of wind blew her hair away and he felt his heart flipping in his chest. He really didn't want to take a single breath away from her. And the fact was, he couldn't either. It was out of his control. A life without her was... impossible.

Her eyes twinkled mischievously as she sensed him lost. She dipped her fingers in the bowl of water and sprinkled on his face. Snapping him out from his daydreaming. She laughed at his shocked look which dissolved into a determined one. He dipped his fingers in the bowl as well and she quickly stood up, squealing.

Apne hi rang me mujhko rang de,
Dhime dhime rang me mujhko rang de,
Sondhe sondhe rang me mujhko rang de,
Rang de na, rang de na, rang de na...

He ran after her as she escaped him by hiding behind pillars after pillars. But just like earlier that day in Hawa Mahal, he caged her again between his arms and a pillar.

"Abhiiii!" - she whisper-shouted, her tone half pleading half commanding. "Let me go. I have to grind the turmeric." - she whined cutely, making him smile.

"You will not grind that turmeric." - he stated calmly while tucking her hair back.

Her eyes widened.

"Taiji has asked me to-"

"To do it because she is fed up of Mimi's rituals and bad sight thing and hence, taking revenge."

Her jaw dropped comically that made him chuckle.

"Haww!" - she pouted. "I understand that Mimi's rituals can sometimes be unbearable but what's my fault in it ?" - she asked and he nodded his head in understanding.

"Exactly that's what I'm saying. Why should we get dragged into the petty fights of elders ?" - he asked raising a brow and she chuckled.

"But if I won't complete the task then she will create an issue..." - she said, grimacing.

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