Chapter 14

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Over the course of the next few days, all of France had heard about the mysterious death of Rachel. Of course, her being one of the most popular people around, everyone was upset about her death, especially Leeds and their friends.

Leeds hasn't left their house in three days, and making himself seem even more suspicious, he never showed up to the funeral. Rebecca and Colby looked for him basically the whole service, including James, Gemma, and Alice, but he wasn't there.

It was now Sunday, and Colby was sitting patiently on the couch for Rebecca and Adam's session to be over with. He was still pissed at him for touching her in certain places, but Rebecca promised Colby she was looking for a new trainer, so until she did, Adam was still coming over.

He looked out of the window and watched as Rebecca drank her water. Adam was setting up his equipment, mostly so he could get a video of himself flexing, and Colby rolled his eyes. "Dada, can we watch Tangled?" Roux asked looking up at Colby.

Colby turned his attention towards his daughter. He bent down and picked her up, "Of course! Daddy will turn it on."

Roux clapped happily and when Colby sat her down on the couch, he had to laugh. She was basically about to jump out of her seat in excitement, so Colby was trying to hurry to play the movie.

"So how long have you and Colby been together?" Adam asked as he finished setting up his equipment.

Rebecca smiled. "We've been together for three years now..."

Adam nodded and moved beside of her. "Me and Mads have been married for four."

Rebecca nodded with a smile. "That's sweet...she's an amazing person."

Adam smiled. "Yes she is..." He then shrugged. "I wish I was home more often so we could spend some time together. Between both our jobs, only one of us is home at a time."

Rebecca furrowed her eyebrows. "I'm sorry...between both of your jobs?" She then scoffed. "Adam you're a make your own schedule."

He then shook his head with a laugh. "Oh Rebecca," He said placing a hand on her shoulder. "You have no idea how many people I train do you?" He then ran his hand down her arm before placing it back on his hip. "I'm a pretty popular man."

Rebecca took a deep breath and glanced back towards her back window. If Colby sees him bothering me, he will kill him...then we're back to square one. "Let's just get this session over with...okay?"

Adam nodded. "Of course."

Adam then started the session, and throughout the workout he would maneuver Rebecca into the "correct" pose, which was making her even more agitated. Of course, he was only doing it to touch her. She would sigh and try to shake him off, but she was just wanting this session to be over with...and a new trainer.

Once the session was finally over with, Rebecca got up and moved away from him, taking a drink of water. She was tempted to tell Adam this was the last session she wanted. "Ya know, I've never understood why you take my class." Adam said coming up behind her. "You've amazing body. You don't need training ." He then wrapped his arm around her waist. "Or is it because of me?" He whispered. "I can't help but feel the connection we have."

Rebecca tensed up and attempted to move his arm, but he was a lot bigger than her. "Hey there you are!" Colby said coming outside. Adam thankfully moved his arm, and reached down to grab his shirt. "Just the man I wanted to see. You said you're a mechanic right?"

Adam nodded and he shimmied into his shirt. "Yeah, we'll i used to be, but I still remember everything."

Colby nodded. "Well, my wife here has something wrong with a pipe underneath her car. I was hoping that maybe you could fix it for her? I don't have a clue what I'm doing." He said with a laugh.

Adam nodded and glanced at Rebecca, who was moving over next to Colby. "Yeah of course. Anything for the lady." He said with a chuckle.

Rebecca glared at Colby who had a smirk on his face. "Alright then. Follow me and I'll show you to the garage."

Rebecca stood there and watched as Colby led Adam through the house. She sighed and grabbed her things before going inside. She shut the patio door and saw Roux on the couch watching Tangled. Rebecca smiled and walked over to join her.

"She got this car once we moved, and it's been treating her pretty bad ever since." Colby said as they walked into the garage. The garage door was closed, so Colby had the big light on so Adam could see. "Here's the back rest if you need it."

Adam shook his head. "Nah I'm good. Thank you, mate." He then got a close by jack stand and propped the car up. "She hasn't wrecked in it has she?"

Colby watched as he got under the car. "No not yet. But I'm afraid she might, and I don't want that to happen."

Adam coughed from underneath the car. "Yeah I'm the same way about Madelyn."

Colby then crossed his arms. "So how long have you been a trainer?"

Adam shrugged. "A few years now..." He then chuckled. "I love it. Seeing all these women inspired to work on their's just a whole different feeling man."

Colby furrowed his eyebrows. "So you only train women?"

"Uh huh. It's amazing." He said with a laugh.

Colby then chuckled and listened as Adam worked on Rebecca's car. I didn't want to do this...but you've pressed my limits. No one touches her like that. It's a whole different feeling?! You're about to find out what that really feels like...

The garage was filled with sounds from the tools, so Colby knew no one could hear him scream. He walked over to the jack stand, and letting his inner thoughts win, he kicked the stand out from underneath the car.

Colby grimaced as he listened to Adams body being crushed. He then looked down and saw the pool of blood that was forming. He then took a deep breath as he took everything in. I just killed Adam...

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