Chapter 31

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Colby's heart was speeding out of his chest. He blinked a few times to try and contain himself, but the adrenaline made him queasy. He glanced down and saw Elena and Theo lying on the floor unconscious.

He then moved and looked up towards the stairs. "Becks?" He called out as he starting moving up towards her body. When he reached the top he saw her lying down covering her face with her hands.

He knelt down beside of her and grabbed her wrists. "Are you okay?"

Rebecca sighed and sniffed as Colby lifted her up. "They know what we've done."

Colby sat down beside of her. "I know, love." He said with a sigh. "What did she say?"

Rebecca shook her head. "Just that the stalker dropped the package off." She said closing her eyes. "She didn't want to believe any of it." The two sat there in silence.

Colby brought his knees up and rested his arms on them. "I can't believe he told Elena..." He said with a whisper. "Someone we trusted the most. Someone who our daughter trusted."

Rebecca then took a deep breath. "Oh god, our daughter!"

Colby stood up with a shake of his head. "Calm down, she's in her room." He held his hands out for Rebecca to grab onto. "Let's go check on her, then we need to get these two out of here before they wake up."

Rebecca nodded and followed her husband down the hallway and to their daughters door. "Roux?" Rebecca asked gently opening the door. "Are you okay baby?"

Roux laid down her barbie and went to her. "Yes. I play with my dolls."

Rebecca smiled and she bent down to hug her daughter. "What happen?" Roux asked patting the side of Rebecca's head gently.

Colby cleared his throat. "Mommy had an owie. She'll be okay though." He said running a hand through her curls. "Maybe when we get back, we can have doctor Roux give her a checkup?"

Roux smiled and nodded eagerly. "Yes! I take care of her."

Rebecca smiled and kissed her cheek before standing back up. "Keep playing with your Barbie's okay? Me and daddy are going to...clean the house."

Roux nodded and waddled back over to her dolls while Colby shut the door. "Come on."

The duo went downstairs to where Elena and Theo's bodies still laid, and began pondering about what they were going to do. Theo's car is in the driveway, there's glass and broken furniture all in our bedroom. Rebecca thought as she stared at the floor. This is going to take a few hours...

"How about we take them to your car and drive down to the storage building unit and put them in the cage." Colby said looking at his wife. "Because if we let them go, they're going to go to the cops."

Rebecca nodded. "Yeah, that sounds good." She then moved over to the living room to shut the curtains so people couldn't see in. She also dimmed the lights.

Colby picked Theo's body up and carried him over his shoulders. "Grab her and we'll take them through the garage..."

Rebecca nodded and attempted to pick Elena up, but winced when her arm ached. "Rebecca, what's wrong?"

She shook her head. "My arm..." She breathed out. She then sighed as she massaged her arm. "Give me a second."

Colby adjusted Theo, then started walking towards the garage. He opened up the door and went inside, placing him in the trunk of Rebecca's car. He closed it, then went to help Rebecca. "Here, you grab all the keys we need from that cabinet, I'll get her."

Rebecca nodded and stood up before going to grab the keys, while Colby hoisted Elena up to take her to the car. Once he got her in there, Rebecca handed him the keys. "What are we going to do about Roux?"

Colby swore. She can't get in this car because two unconscious bodies are in it...

Rebecca grabbed his arm and motioned towards their house. "I can drive Theo's! We need to get rid of his car anyways..."

Colby nodded. "Okay, but where are you going to leave it?"

Rebecca shrugged. "I can buy another storage unit and keep it there..."

Colby furrowed his eyebrows. "You realize we have to pay for that right?"

Rebecca pressed her lips together. "Yeah, Colby, I know that."

He sighed. "Okay fine. You need to get their phones, bags, watches, jewelry, and whatever else they brought and keep it there, too."

Rebecca nodded and opened up the car to grab Theo's belongings, then she did the same to Elena. After checking to make sure she didn't leave anything, she went back inside to grab Elena's purse and their phones. She put them all in a grocery bag then laid the keys next to her purse so she wouldn't forget them. "Do you have everything?" Colby asked as he walked back into the house.

Rebecca nodded. "I'm pretty sure. I've checked the house over again and again making sure." She then sighed. "I'm gonna get Roux. I'll follow you there."

He nodded and the duo went in opposite directions. Colby went to her car and started it up, and waited for Rebecca to let him know she was ready.

Rebecca walked back upstairs to where Roux was and smiled. "Come on love bug, we're going to go for a ride."

Roux grabbed her barbie and reached out her arms for her to be carried. "Bye Kevin!" She said waving at the little yorkie laying on her bed. Rebecca grabbed her stuff on the way out and once she had everything, and Roux, settled in Theo's car, she sent Colby a text to let him know she was ready to go lock away their next victims.

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