Chapter 41

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Rebecca and Renee kept looking around, trying to shake the sketchy feeling they were dealing with inside. Between the lit up candles, and the two big brown doors closing behind them, they knew someone had to be here. Unless the place was haunted—which to Rebecca wouldn't actually be a surprise.

The duo split apart, Rebecca checking out the front of the church while Renee checked out the back seats. There was trash thrown all over the place, so really all that was found was garbage—and a set of keys! Rebecca thought when she picked them up.

She examined them closely, trying to see where they came from, but the company name had faded out. Crap. She said tossing them aside. She then continued looking for more clues.

Renee walked over to the back seat where a bag was laying in the floor. She bent down to dig through it. Finding nothing she stood back up and turned around, but was met with a hard punch to the face. "Renee!"

Rebecca watched the hooded man dressed in all black stand over her. Him and Rebecca stared at each other, trying to intimidate the other. The two both took off at the same time, Rebecca running to the door that leads to the church bell, and him following close behind.

She ran up the stairs panting, in fear of what he could do to her. She got up to the second level stairs, but he was moving closer. He grabbed her foot making her stop in her tracks. She yelped, and kicked trying to get out of his hold. He gripped on harder, but Rebecca kept kicking. Finally, he let go and stumbled backwards, and she continued running up the stairs, only to fall through a broken step. "Oh my god!" She yelled holding her foot.

The man shook off the blood from his nose and grabbed her hair, pulling her up. He slammed her head into the wall, then the stair post. Rebecca grunted out from pain, and laid there for a moment to try and catch her breath. The man kicked her in the stomach before she reached down and grabbed a broken piece of wood. She reached up and stabbed him in the chest, making him fall down.

She pushed her hair out of her face and struggled to stand up. She limped and frantically panted trying to continue moving up the stairs. Next thing she heard was Renee coming after them. She ran up to the second level where Rebecca had just been, and stopped when she came to the broken step. She stepped over it, only for her leg to be swiped by the man.

She fell down hard, holding her head. The man pulled the piece of wood out of his chest and threw it down to the floor. He then bent down, picked Renee up by the hair and slammed her back to the floor. He looked up to find Rebecca running up to the next level, so he hurried up the stairs to try and catch up with her.

Rebecca winced as she kept moving, trying not to let her foot get her down. She reached the third level and hid behind a wall to catch her breath. Her face was stained with tears, and she had blood smeared all over her. Oh god...I need to call Colby! She pulled out her phone and began to call him, when the man came up behind her and pinned her to the wall by the throat. She dropped her phone and tried to push his hand away.

"I'm only going to tell you this one time, I am the one who gets to go after you and your family, not the other way around." He said gripping harder, making her gasp out for air. "I'm going to make a deal with you, Rebecca. I don't want to see you around Colby anymore. Leave him, and I'll let you and your happy little family live."

Rebecca gasped for air again, then raised her knee up, kicking him below. She bent his hand back and head butted him. "No deal."

She then pushed him into the wall and started running up the stairs to the fourth level. Her foot cramped up when she reached the top, but nothing hurt her more than the sight of no more stairs. She had finally reached the top of the church, and the only way out was down.

She walked around to the other side of the balcony and examined the church bell. With a push, the man came up behind her, making her hit the edge of the railing. He then grabbed her feet and pushed her over.

Rebecca screamed as she hung on to the ropes connecting to the bell. The man walked over with a knife, holding it to the rope. "I'm going to tell you this for the last time. If you leave Colby, I will leave you, him, and Roux alone. I want send anymore messages, kill anymore of your friends, or do anything to put you three in harms way."

Rebecca screamed again when he cut the rope, making her hang onto the edge. He placed his foot on top of her hands, making her pant even more. "Do we have a deal?"

Rebecca heard yelling from below. "Renee!" Jonathan said going to her bleeding head.

Colby and Joseph looked around. "Where's Rebecca?!" Colby asked frantically.

Renee groaned and pointed up. "He's here." She whispered.

Colby and Joseph looked at one another then booked it upstairs. "Rebecca!" Colby called as he moved up to the second level.

Rebecca's hands were starting to slip, but she was trying to hold on. The man pressed harder though, making Rebecca grunt out in pain. "I said, do we have a deal? You two break it off, you're family stays safe. If not, Roux will be my next target."

Rebecca had tears streaming down her face. Joseph then came up behind the man and shoved him down. Colby was bent down on a knee reaching for his wife, while Joseph watched the man fall.

Colby pulled her up into his arms, and cradled her to his chest while she cried. "Jon! Look to see where he landed." Joseph said before bending down next to Colby and rubbing Rebecca's back.

Renee was back up now, and held her head. Jonathan walked over to where they watched him land, only to find him gone. He turned back annoyed. "He's gone."

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