Chapter 57 - Her Red Bow

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What was it like to genuinely observe as everything happened before your very eyes? You were covered in blood, yet you couldn't even move because of how cold you felt. How does it feel to see someone die?

We would know.

How does it feel to be the cause of it? How mad are you to be able to open up victims while holding a bloody knife in your cold hands? to observe blood spilling onto the ground, with just getting caught being a concern.

He would know.

You assured me that I would be protected. You assured us of your protection. You love us. The things we cherished. But despite our prolonged attempts to grasp onto it out of dread, it was slipping from our hands.

Our hearts would beat quickly out of our chests, but this wasn't the kind of heartbeat that made you fall in love; rather, it made your heart sink to the pits of your stomach.

It made your palms sweat. Your stomach began to flip and twist, and your head began to feel hot and pressed. I swear my body trembled. I lived it. The cold air blowing down on my neck and the goosebumps running up my neck caused me to feel shivers.

Michael, there was nothing you could do. You genuinely believed you could, but we should give up now and leave before death catches up to us.

Home was chilly. It wasn't noisy as it should have been. Nobody exchanged words with anyone else. Apart from the police calls that echoed along the corridor, there were no other talks. 

I wasn't motivated to do anything else. once yet another part of us disappeared. It left us devastated and without hope. Despite replaying the memory numerous times, I couldn't seem to recall what had happened at the moment.

Nothing comes to mind. In search of a sign, I waited. an instance. One more dream. However, as time went on, nothing changed. I could not help but stare at the wall as time passed. But I didn't give a damn.

Life hits you like this. When you believe your life is at its best, something unexpected happens. One by one, it is consuming us. What had I done wrong to deserve such chaos, I wondered over and over. What sort of a curse was I under?Am I deserving of this?

I again rolled onto my side. I observed the birds flying by as I peered out of my window. It was still chilly and overcast. Since that day, I felt as though I had amnesia.

All I could remember were screams and police sirens and the familiar dots of liquid against my bare hands. The polyester fabric of the red hair bow clip...

Tears rushed down my cheek and nose. I sniffled, I whimpered, I groaned. My eyebrows furrowed as my eyes closed on me. I couldn't keep them open for much longer. I don't remember how much I've cried. I knew I would never see that happy smile on her face again.

I know I would never enjoy tea parties or her making fun of Michael again. I'll never get the chance to see her grow up to be the independent strong woman I know she'd be.

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