066a - The Enemy of My Soul Part 1.

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(066a - The Enemy of My Soul Part 1)

This chapter is dedicated to DonaldUzoka. You will never be able to see this tag, and it hurts. But I'm learning to move on. You'd want that. I miss you, my love🤍.

It's been a while fam. How have you been? I've missed you guys so much. So sorry that I've been MIA, but you know how life is na. I really had to squeeze out this chapter and I hope it's worth it.

Jidenna might make you proud in this chapter 😌. Our boy is growing up and it's making me happy.

Let's dive in.

𝐉𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐀(Jidenna Leo Okojie)

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(Jidenna Leo Okojie)

Come to my house, I want to show you something.

That was the text message I got from Adela that had me flying out of bed like it was suddenly covered with hot coal, putting on random clothes without properly checking the mirror and literally dashing down the stairs with a speed I didn't know I possessed, footwear in hand.

I don't even think my feet touched the ground through the flight of stairs, causing me to almost trip on air.

Na woman cause this kain thing.

I can't begin to describe the different kinds of emotions that started bubbling in my chest when I saw that message from her; excitement, anticipation... longing.

Lately, it seemed as if Adela was trying to find every single opportunity to see me, not that I was even complaining because I looked forward to her calls or messages. She would use photography as an excuse but at the end of the day, we would do everything but photography.

Everything fun... fulfilling, leaving me with even more longing that I wouldn't want to leave her side for a moment.

It always came the way it did today. She won't ask me if I was busy prior, or if I was free to come over. She'd just ask me to come like she was ordering me to leave everything I was doing at that moment to come and meet her.

And for me, it was like an entire being has been wired to heed her every call.

If this was around the time we just met, I'd have been offended, complaining at every single moment about how controlling she was, even though I'd still somehow heed at the end of the day. But now, I anticipated it.

I craved it even. Because there was nothing more I'd rather do than spend all my time with Adela. There was something satisfying about the way she always called me. No other person.

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