|34| Again?

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P"But I don't want a new broken heart, this year I've got to be smart."

-Santa Tell Me

Ariana Grande


The five of us walk into the building, and go to the lady at the front desk. She glances at us, and types shit on her keyboard, before calling Scooter's office.

"Yes, sir. One Direction are in the lobby." She says, and after getting his response she thanks him and hangs up.

"Go up and talk to his secretary, Hannah. Take the elevator up to the second floor, and you'll see a girl with blue hair and piercings, you can't miss her." She tells us, and we nod.

We go into the elevator, and it's an awkward silence.

"So... Ariana's music video was.... interesting...." Louis breaks the silence.

"Shut up Louis." Liam tells him.

"Well, Haz enjoyed it." Louis states.

"Oh, we know that." Zayn says, Niall chuckles quietly, and I stay silent.

The elevator dings, and we exit. Sure enough, a blue haired girl with piercings sits at a desk, typing away. She sees us, and smirks when her eyes land on me.

"Hey, Harry." She says.

"Um, hi?" I reply.

"Oh, you don't know me, but I know you. The jackass who broke Ari's heart 2 years ago." She states, still smiling. I'm never going to hear the end of that.

"You know Ariana?" I ask.

"Hell yeah. We've been friends since back when she lived in Boca." She responds. "But we don't have time for life stories."

She picks up the telephone on her desk, and says, "Sir, One Direction are here to see you....Yes, sir."

She hangs up, and looks at us. "Mr. Braun will see you now."

We thank her and walk into the directed room.

"Boys! 7:30, right on time! Please, sit." He tells us once we enter his office.

We sit down on the couches, and he sits back down behind his desk.

"Now, we have to wait for Ariana to arrive to go over these details." He informs us.

"What details?" I question.

"You'll know when she gets here, which could take forever, so I'll call her." Scooter says.

He puts the call on speaker, and we wait until she picks up.

"H-Hello?" She answers, sounding out of breath.

"A, how close are you to getting here?" Scooter asks.

"Uh, I'll be a little late." She breathlessly pants.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, fine." She says, moaning slightly.

"Ariana, you better not be--" Scooter warns.

"I-I gotta call you back, Scoot. Oh, fuck, Sean!" She says, moaning loudly, before hanging up.

Scooter sighs, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He groans in frustration.

"She will be the death of me." He tells us, holding his head in his hands.

"Only if Justin's actions don't kill you first..." A new voice says.

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