|58| No. (part 1)

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"There's something that I'm missing, maybe my head for one."

-Hold Up



I cup the cold water in my hands, bringing it up to make contact with my tired face. Fatigue has been upon me after a restless night. I couldn't sleep with a certain brunette remaining at the corner of my mind.

Her essence haunts me, but I welcome it, not knowing what I would do if I ever lost it. If I ever lost her. I mean, yeah, I lost her once before, but I could still feel the aura of her always.

She brings this light about herself that even she can't see. But I see it, and I need it. Call me selfish, but I need as much light as I can get. Even if that means giving her darkness in return.


Why can't I just shut my damn mouth? Why can't I just close my fucking legs? Why can't I just clear my head from all this shit?

Everything I do is just hurting me. I say all the wrong things, I make all the bad choices, and I keep my head full of poison. But that's why I'm going to Florida. To get some sense talked into me.

I wish Frankie were going with me, but he went into the Big Brother house, which is one of those reality tv shows. So, without my brother, that just leaves me and Harry. Alexa would go, but someone has to stay and take care of the dogs.

I get on the private jet, and the flight crew take my bags. I thank them, and sit down. Shortly after, Harry boards the plane. He sits down across from me, avoiding eye contact. A flight attendant comes through, offering us drinks.

I briefly decline while Harry orders a Hennessy on the rocks. She gets him his drink then leaves while the pilot announces that we are ready for take off. I put my seat belt on, and check my phone for any new messages. I see that I have one from Liam wishing me a safe flight. I text him back, thanking him, and saying that I'll see him when I get back.

The jet starts moving, and the inertia forces my back into my seat. I close my eyes as it moves faster and faster. A shaky breath is released from my lips when I feel us lift off the ground. I can feel every movement distinctly through my body, and if I don't stay calm I'll get motion sickness or something.

I feel Harry's gaze on me, and when I open my eyes, his are glued to me. I clear my throat as if it will clear the awkwardness in the air. It doesn't.

"I, uh," I start to explain the little moment I just had as the plane started moving. "I get a bit nervous during takeoff and landing."

He nods insincerely, bringing his drink up to his lips. "Didn't know that. Last time I remember you got on a plane, it was to get away from me."

"Don't do that." I tell him.

"What? It's true. You got on the plane, and I didn't go with you, so I wouldn't have known that you get nervous on flights." He shrugs.

"Harry--" I sigh, but he cuts me off.

"Don't 'Harry' me. Does it bother you that I'm bringing up how you left me two years ago?"

"You make it seem like I had a choice."

"Of course, the role in Victorious--" He rolls his eyes.

"I'm not talking about the role, I'm talking about you fucking that skank!" My voice level diminishes as I speak through gritted teeth. A flight attendant comes in, asking if we need anything. I politely dismiss him, and once again Harry and I are left alone.

The Spaces Between Us | hariana | lirianaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora