|31| New Year, New Beginnings

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"I still fall on my face sometimes, and I can't color inside the lines, cuz I'm perfectly incomplete. I'm still working on my masterpiece."


Jessie J


I laugh as Frankie curses when I beat him at Mario Kart again. My phone rings, so I pause the game, answering it.

"Hey." I say, unpausing the game.

"What's up?" Mac asks.

"Nothing much. Just whuppin' Frankie's ass at Mario Kart. The usual." I reply.

"Fuck you." Frankie grimaces.

I get to finish line first, and Frankie screams, "FUCK!"

I laugh. "I told you. No one can defeat Yoshi, bitch!"

"Go get fucked in the asshole." Frankie flips me off.

"Rather not!" I yell back. "Anyways, what brings you to call my phone at 4:30 pm?"

"I don't know. I'm bored, and I wanted to see if you would come over, and entertain me." Mac responds.

"Well, I don't know...."


"Fine." I sigh.

"Good. Bye." He hangs up.

"Guys are so confusing..." I mutter to myself.

I run downstairs, and stop by the kitchen to get a bottle of water. Alexa is trying to get my competitive brother to calm down, and he glares at me when I walk by.

"Stop being such a sore loser all the time." I tell him.

"If you didn't win all the time I wouldn't have to be a sore loser all the time!" He retorts.

I roll my eyes going over to the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Alexa asks.

"Well, mom, if you must know, to Mac's house." I respond.

"You guys are getting pretty close."

"We are just friends." I assure her, before closing the door behind me.

I get in the car, and pull out of the driveway.

--one car ride later--

I walk up his front steps, and knock on the door. He answers, saying a quick 'hey', before grabbing my wrist and pulling me upstairs with him.

We go into his room, and he flops down onto his couch. I push him over, before sitting next to him.

"So you wanna watch the music video for 'The Way'?" He asks.

"Sure." I reply.

We watch the music video, and can I just say, I am one sexy motherfucker.

"To be honest, you're not that great of a kisser." Mac admits.

I'm taken back. "Excuse you, but I am an excellent kisser."

"You're really not."

"Well, maybe if your lizard tongue wasn't halfway down my throat, the kiss would've been better."

"Oh, don't act like you didn't enjoy have my tongue down your throat."

"I don't have to act like it." I say, hitting him with a pillow.

"You better start running." He warns, and I spring up from my seat.

"Shit, shit, shit!" I repeat as I sprint out of his bedroom.

The Spaces Between Us | hariana | lirianaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora