|52| No Cruise Control You 'Bout To Lose Control

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"I'm just abusive by nature, not 'cause I hate ya."

-The Crying Game
Nicki Minaj


"I just think the best thing to do right now is avoid him altogether." Alexa tries to persuade me again to not go see Harry.

"He's not stupid, Lex. Well, at least, not that stupid. He'd know something was off if I just suddenly don't want to see him. I promised him I'd go over there today, so I'm going." I tell her, as I apply mascara.

She sighs. "Fine. But please be careful."

I nod in response, giving her a hug. "I'll be fine. I promise."

She lets me go, and I grab my purse and my phone. I descend the staircase, and find Frankie in the kitchen with his head down on the counter. I creep over to him, go right up to his ear, and yell, "Hey, Frankie!"

He jumps, and screams profanities. "Ariana! My head is pounding, and I'm gonna murder you."

I laugh. "You love me too much to commit homicide. Takes some Aspirin for your hangover, bro. I'll catch you later."

He hollers, "LEAVE!"

I comply, heading out the door, content with successfully pissing off my brother. I get into my car, and start driving to the hotel. I pull up to the building, parking my car, and stepping out. I walk through the front entrance, sending the little prude, Tyler, a wink. I continue walking until I reach the elevator, pressing the floor number that Harry's room is on.

I wait as the box levitates me until it reaches the requested floor, allowing me to exit. I stroll down the hallway, stopping at his door. I knock softly, and after a minute or so, he opens the door. He grins when he sees me, and I force a smile on my face, hoping it looks real.

He steps to the side, signalling for me to come in. I walk in carefully, fully aware when he closes the door, locking it. My heartbeat goes through the roof, and I realize now just how bad of an idea it was to actually show up here.

"You okay?" He asks me, and I can feel my anxiety levels going up.

"Yeah, perfectly fine." I tell him, though I don't know if I'm trying to convince him or myself.

"Alright. You just seem a bit out of it."

"It's really nothing."

"If you say so." He shrugs. "Now, I believe you owe me something that I didn't get last night. That was a mean trick you played."

I gulp as he come closer. As he's about to wrap me in a big bear hug, I bend down, and swoop right under his arm, backing away from him. He sends me a confused, hurt look.

"Hey, where's Jamie?" I attempt to change the subject, searching around for the calico feline.

"She's with Louis today. I figured we could use some privacy." He says, approaching me again. I push on his chest, making sure to keep him an arm's length away.

"Heh, I don't think that's necessary." I reply, practically having a nervous breakdown inside. I've never been this stiff towards him. Even when things took a downward spiral in our relationship.

I start to walk towards the sofa, and he wraps his fingers around my arm. It's a fairly loose grip, but it still startles me.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He questions, looking extremely worried.

I don't mean to, but my mind flashes back to when he grabbed my arm back when we were dating. When he hurt me, without even knowing his own strength. And even though, his grip this time isn't painful at all, my mind tricks me into feeling the iron grip from before. Without thinking, I yelp. "Get your hands off me!"

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