|24| Fuck.

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"I wish that I could wake up with amnesia, and forget about the stupid little things. Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you, and the memories I never can escape, 'cause I'm not fine at all."


5 Seconds of Summer


"Harry...." The voice wakes me. It can't be. I open my eyes, and there she is, laying next to me. She stares back at me with a soft smile cascaded across her beautiful face. Her hair is no longer red, but is back to it's natural brown. I feel a tear slip out of my eye, as she moves my curls away from my face. She leans in, her lips ghosting over mine, and says, "I loved you." Then, all at once, she's gone.

Loved. As in past tense. As in not anymore. I feel like maybe, just maybe, I can open my eyes, and we'll go back to the way it was. But that can never happen. The bad thing about life is you don't get any do-overs. If you fuck up, you have to deal with it for the rest of your life.

Well, I fucked up. She was the only person who cared. Of course I know the group cares, but not the way she does. She made me her number one priority. Everything revolved around me and my happiness. And I was so caught up in the attention she was willing to give me, that I didn't even notice.

I told her to never let me go. She told me I was never hers to hold onto. I want so badly to just be able to hold her in my arms again. But she doesn't know who I am anymore. Hell, I don't know who I am anymore. And who wants to be in a stranger's arms?


I remember it all like it was yesterday.


We came home from the studio, and he grabbed the vanilla cookie-dough ice cream. I sprawled myself out on the couch, turning on Netflix. Once I pressed 'Glee', he came back out, and moved my feet, sitting where they once were, then putting them in his lap. The episode started, and he handed me the ice cream. I took the spoon, and scooped it into the deliciousness, and Harry protested, saying it was his spoon and I was supposed to get my lazy ass up and get my own. I shrugged, sticking the spoonful in my mouth. He rolled his eyes, and I laughed before nudging him with my foot, and putting a spoonful into his mouth. At this point, we weren't even watching 'Glee' anymore. He signaled me to come over to him, so I climbed into his lap. We sat there, me feeding both of us. I took a spoonful, and put half in his mouth, before taking it out, and shoving the rest in mine. He then scooped his finger into the ice cream, then wiped it on my nose! I gasped, putting ice cream all over his face, then standing up, and running. He chased me as I squealed.

"No fair, Haz! I have cramps!" I told him, and he laughed.

He caught me, and we fell to the floor, him tickling me.

"H-Haz! S-stop, I-I c-can't b-breathe!" I screamed through my laughter.

"Nope! Not until you say it!" He says.

"HARRY STYLES IS A SEX GOD, AND I WILL ALWAYS LOVE HIM!" I announced, and he stopped tickling me.

"Happy now?" I ask, standing up.

He then picked me up bridal style, spinning us in a circle, then stopped.

"Very." He smiled before our lips meet.

--End of Flashback--

I feel the tears starting to build in my eyes, but I fight them. I can't allow them to break free.

I open my phone to delete all our pictures. As I go through deleting our memories, one picture makes me burst into tears. We're kissing in the picture, and I hate the reminder of what we once were.

"Why, Harry? Why did you have to make me love you this much only to cut me this deep?" I sob to the picture. I broke my promise to never cry over him again. I think what I told him on that day when we were eating ice cream and having tickle fights was true. I will always love him. The only difference is that he doesn't love me. Fuck.


Kendall kneels in front of me, taking me in. It would be like any other blowjob I've had except that I can hear her in my head.

I close my eyes, starting to enjoy the head I'm being given when I hear: She does it weird.... I could've already made you cum by now...

I open my eyes, and Ari is sitting on the windowsill where she normally does.

C'mon Haz, wouldn't you rather have my hot mouth wrapped around your dick?

I watch her walk over to me, and kneel down. Her figure replaces Kendall's, and she takes me in. I try to keep my breathing normal, but she's right. It feels so much better when she does it.

"Like that, now go deep throat..." I request. Suddenly Kendall comes up, and looks at me.

"Haz, you know I don't do deep throat. That might be worse than swallowing cum. Ew." Kendall grimaces..

"Heh. Right." I say, and she takes me back in.

Major turn off for you, wasn't it?

She's back.

Remember that time you were driving, and I was giving you that present?

She wraps her hand around my dick that Kendall has disappeared from.

I started it out kinda like this, remember?

She pumps fast, and I'm approaching my climax. Fast.

"Fuck, Ariana!" I yell out, and Kendall comes back up. Shit.

"Ariana?!" She shrieks before grabbing her stuff, and storming out of the apartment.

"Damn it...." I mutter.

Yikes! You want me that bad?

She's sitting back at the windowsill, with a tub of ice cream.

By the way, who the fuck thinks your cum is nasty? It's probably better than this ice cream, and this ice cream is pretty damn good.....

"Get out of my head." I tell her.

Not happening.

I go into the shower go clear my head. I turn to face the shower head, when I feel small hands on my shoulders. I turn and there she is. Looking just as vulnerable, and shy as she was when we first had shower sex.

All of a sudden it all comes back in flashes.

I did everything for you!

I told you I loved you, and you said it back!

I gave you all of me, and you just play me like this?

I did that for you, and I'm a fucking dumbass for it!

I thought you were different......

I can't even look at you right now!

So the plan was to make me fall in love with you, while you're just doing this to prove you're not a manwhore?

I'm not like glass, this relationship is.

You disgust me.

I slam my hands against the shower wall. She's gone. Fuck.

*A|N: Seems like both of them just can't catch a break. Ari is trapped in an endless repeat of the memories they had. Haz is so far gone that he's hallucinating her, and he can't tell if she's real or not. One word to describe the situation: Fuck. Now two words to describe me right now: HOLY SHITSICLES!!!!! 1K+ reads!!!!!! ily all so much for it. Honestly, it's unbelievable. I almost cried in study hall when I saw it. Thank y'all for reading this shit! PS: next chapter will be a Halloween chapter MWAHAHAAA okay I sound lame....*


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