|55| Love Is A Choice Not An Obligation

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"I don't need you, I don't need you, I don't need you, I don't need you, but I want you. I don't mean to, I don't mean to, I don't mean to, I don't mean to, but I love you."

-The Worst
Jhene Aiko


Buzz. Buzz.

I roll over, groaning at my vibrating phone that notifies me that someone is calling. I pick it up, and answer the call, paying no mind to the caller ID.

"Hello?" I mumble into the phone, trying to collect myself.

"Meeting. Now." Scooter's irritated voice booms through my cell phone, and I instinctively take it away from my ear. He hangs up directly after, and I get up out of my bed. I leave the lights off, because lights and hangovers don't mix. I trip over Selena's sleeping body, and she grunts in pain.

I shake her awake, and tell her we have a meeting. She sighs, and drags herself to the guest bathroom down the hall, while I walk into my own.

I shower, and wash my hair--Selena and I fight with the faucets, both of us trying to get hot water at the same time-- before walking into my closet. Selena walks in as I put on my clothes, complaining about how she didn't bring any extra clothes. I roll my eyes, and tell her she can borrow some of my clothes.

Once she throws something on, we head out. We make a stop at Starbucks, and the vendor gives us a weird look as we stare back with sunglasses on. Once he hands us our drinks, I drive off. Yes, we paid for them. We may have a bit of a bad girl streak, but we're still sweethearts.

We get to the building--half of our coffee gone-- and walk in confidently. Arms linked, we make our way to the elevator. We're both giggling to ourselves about past events at Miley's party.

Once we reach the desired floor number, we step out and walk towards the meeting room. Hannah waves flirtatiously at us from her desk, and we go up to greet her considering we're not exactly eager to get yelled at by Scooter. I give her a hug, and remind her to text me.

"And now the moment we've been anxiously waiting for...." Selena says in a suspenseful tone. I open the door, and then stumble a bit in my heels, causing the two of us to burst in quiet laughter. We compose ourselves, looking up to see the people seated. Justin looks bored, and both Liam and Harry look over at me as we walk in.

I spin on my heel, planning to walk right back out the door, but Selena grabs me. I struggle in her grasp, trying to sneak back out into the corridor.

"No, don't make me go in there!" I mutter to her, but she continues pushing me further.

"Just get in there!" She urges me through gritted teeth.

After a few minutes of our bickering, Scooter clears his throat loudly, signalling that we better get our asses in there or he's coming to get us. I let out an exasperated sigh, and trudge into the room.

Selena rushes to the seat next to Justin, leaving me with the only open seat which is in between the two boys that I've been avoiding. I sink down into the seat, and Scooter discusses the matters at hand.

"Ariana, you've had your fun. Take off the sunglasses. You, too, Selena." He commands, and I don't make an effort to follow his orders.

"Um, are you planning to turn all the lights off in here?" I ask.

"You're hungover. Aren't you?" He guesses, and I don't have to respond for him to know that he's right.

"Yes, sir. You are correct with that notion." Sel nods her head.

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