|38| Heart To Heart

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"I told you once, 'get out my life. I don't need you. I'll be alright.' But some things were better left unsaid."

-Better Left Unsaid

Ariana Grande


"Are you done yet?" Harry whines as he trails behind me.

I roll my eyes."I just have one more store-- ooh! Pretty!" I rush over to the stunning pair of heels calling my name.

"No. Let's go." He says, doing his best to drag me out of the store, seeing as I'm reluctant to leave, and he's carrying most of my shopping bags.

After some fussing, I finally give up, allowing him to pull me away from the beautiful shoes.

"So where else did you want to go?" Harry questions, and I smirk. Time to get a little bit crazy...

"It's right up there." I point to the store, but I'm interrupted when I teenage girl comes up to us looking like she's having a heart attack.

"Oh my God! You're Ariana Grande and Harry Styles! I love you guys and your music so much! I'm such a big fan." She squeals.

I smile. "Awe, thanks. We love you, too."

Harry flashes a grin. "What's your name, love?"

"Amber." She replies. "Would you guys mind if I got an autograph and a picture?"

I respond, "not at all." at the same time that Harry says, "of course not."

She pulls out a notebook, and a pen, as if she was ready for this moment. I give her my autograph, replacing the dot on the "I" with a heart. Harry then elegantly writes his name. I grab the pen back and write, "Hariana loves you, Ashley!"

She then puts away her notebook and pen, and pulls out her phone. She takes a couple selfies with me, then a couple with Harry, and then we take some group photos.

"Thank you guys so so so so much! This is like the best day of my life!" She waves goodbye, but then turns back around and says, "and B-T-W, I totally ship you two!"

We say our goodbyes, and walk into the last store.

"What is this place?" Haz asks.

"My favorite store..." I smirk.

I walk up to the front counter, and the man smiles. "What can I do for you?"

"Tell Jerry I said, 'bunny.'" I say, and he immediately understands.

"Gotcha. Be right back." He informs me.

"I still don't understand what kind of store this is..." Harry speaks.

"Sometimes things are not as they seem." I tell him before Jerry comes out.

"Ariana! Back so soon? And with a boy! Maybe he's the one you've been getting stuff for." He says, and I chuckle.

"Nope. He's just a friend." I say.

"Awe. Girl, how many times do I have to tell you before you finally settle down with someone?" He questions.

"You'll still be telling me that on your death bed." I shrug.

"Nope. I think this friend might be the one to do it. Well, come on. What are you looking for?" Jerry asks, leading us to the backroom of the store, where the real clothing is.

We walk in, and see Selena shopping around.

"Sel? What are you doing here?" I say, hugging her.

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