|50| Righting Some Wrongs

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"I never worry. Life is a journey. I just wanna enjoy the ride. What is the hurry? It's pretty early. It's okay, we'll take our time."

-The Night Is Still Young
Nicki Minaj


"All I'm asking for is one night! One night of no awkwardness in the air, or tension surrounding you two. Just one night of peace and friendship. Can we have that?" Frankie asks from the back seat of Lexie's car. I would've sat in the back, but he wouldn't have any of it, and started his rant about how we need to make up.

Neither Alexa nor I say anything in response to his question. With the angle of my body leaning towards the door, it's obvious that I'm not very eager to talk to her. Whether she was wrong or I was, it left us in a bad place. This is the longest we've gone without talking since we met up again in the UK. And I mean, actually talking not this uncomfortable relationship we have going on now.

"I'm not talking to myself here!" Frankie speaks up.

I roll my eyes. "We hear you, bro."

"Good. Now, hug it out." He commands.

"I'm driving, so unless you want to die, I suggest that we don't hug and I keep my hands on the wheel. Sound good to you?" Lexie questions.

Frankie grumbles to himself in the backseat, and we finally arrive at the club. I'm quick to step out of the car once it's parked. I start walking to the back of the line for the club.

"That girl looks just like Ariana Grande." One girl says quite loudly to her friend. Probably, because I am Ariana Grande, but whatever.

Frankie and Alexa join me at the back of line, but then the owner of club rushes outside, spots us, and insists that we skip the line, and just go in. We follow him inside and upstairs to the more private lounge.

We find a booth with a couple other friends that we were supposed to meet up with. Just members of my team; Jones, Dalina, Sascha, and the dancers aren't here yet.

I greet each of them, and sit back down. Frankie practically shoves Alexa down next to me, and gives us a warning look. Lexie and I make eye contact and she throws her arm over my shoulders as I wrap my arms around her torso. My face almost hurts from how bright my fake smile is right now. Frankie gives us a nod of approval and walks off with Sascha. Almost immediately we detach from each other. I miss her.

Pretty soon after that my dancers arrive. I stand up and hug Tracy and Nekai, then I move on to my twins. Brian practically squeezes the life out of me, as he lifts me off the ground. I hit his head until he puts me down, then rush over to hug Scott. Alexa walks off by herself to the bar, and Scott catches me watching her.

"You're still not talking to her? That's just you two being hard-headed. Quit being stubborn and talk to your best friend." He urges, and I almost do it. Almost.

I sigh, and go to say hi to the rest my dancers, and Ricky offers to buy me a drink. Who am I to turn down a cute guy paying for my alcohol? We approach the bar, and Lexie spots us heading her way, and walks off. I decide to ignore it, and Ricky and I call over the bartender.

"What do you want?" Ricky questions.

I shrug. "Dirty martini is fine."

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