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"So I creep yeah, I just keep it on the down low. Said nobody is supposed to know. So I creep, yeah, 'cause he doesn't know what I do, and no attention, goes to show oh so I creep"




I wake up with my head pounding. Just as I'm about to let out a groan in pain, I notice that Harry is on the phone with someone, on speaker. I stay silent, watching him pace around the bedroom.

"It's not fair to me, Harry." The girl who's single-handedly ruining my life, otherwise known as Kendall Jenner, says.

Harry runs a hand through his curls. "I know baby, I just need more time--"


"More time to what? Fuck her? Make her think that you love her when it's all just a lie?" Kendall spits.

"Keep your god damn voice down. I need more time so I can let her down easy. She's like glass, once she's broken, even if you do put her back together, she's never going to be the same." Harry tells her, looking over at me, and I pretend to still be asleep.

"I'm giving you a week. But if she asks me anything about what's going on, I won't hesitate to tell her." She warns.

"Got it." He replies.

"Good. I love you Haz."

"I love you too, Ken. You and only you." He says, then hangs up.

I take it as my opportunity to 'wake up'. I let out a groan, sitting up, and Harry turns to me. He hands me two pills of aspirin, and a glass of water. I put the capsules in my mouth before swallowing it with the water. He takes the glass from me, setting it down, before asking, "how are you feeling?"

"Like shit." I say bluntly.

"Hangovers will do that to you..." He says.

"Hangover isn't what's making me feel like shit...." I mutter lowly so he doesn't hear me.

"Ari, can I ask you something?"

I nod.

"Yesterday, when I left my phone here when I went to buy the cat food, did you go through my phone? Be honest."

Before I can answer, thankfully, I rush to the bathroom, kneeling over the toilet bowl, while the vodka makes a reappearance. I feel someone hold my hair back, as I continue to rid my system of the alcohol. I finish, standing up and rinsing out my mouth before brushing my teeth.

Harry stands in the doorway, staring at me. "Alright. So you won't answer the phone question, then answer this one," he says, as I swish the mouthwash around in my mouth. "Why are you distancing yourself from me? I love you."

I choke while gargling when he mutters the three words that he just said to another girl less than 15 minutes ago. I spit out the mouthwash, and put my toothbrush back in it's place before turning to him and chuckling sickly at him. He walks over to me, and tries to wrap his arms around my waist, but I push him off.

He gives me a questioning look, and I look down at the bathroom tile, suddenly finding an interest in it.

"Y'know, there was a time when I felt safe in your arms. I don't feel that anymore....." I say, looking him in the eye. "Sometimes I feel like you're a stranger...."

"Baby. C'mon, you know me. I love you." He begs.

"You're right. I need to go make a phone call..." I say, making my way out of the bathroom. As I'm on my way back into the bedroom, he grabs my arm.

The Spaces Between Us | hariana | lirianaWhere stories live. Discover now