|17| 4 More(part 3)

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"I got it all, 'cause she is the one. Her mum calls me love, her dad calls me son. Alright, Alright."

-Steal My Girl

One Direction


As if Ari's "accident" (that I'm smart enough to figure out was from this anonymous 'A') wasn't enough to keep us from our plans, now her creators are here.

"Hi mom, hey dad." She says plastering a fake smile on her face. I can tell she's enjoying their surprise visit about as much as I am. In other words, we both want them to fucking leave.

"Ariana Grande-Butera! Stand up when greeting elders! And straighten your back!" Her mother nags. Ari rolls her eyes before doing as told.

"Keep rolling those eyes, and they'll get stuck back there, young lady! You look horrendous!" Her mother continues.

"Joan, leave the poor girl alone!" Her father now speaks.

"Oh shut up, Edward!" Her mother snaps before turning back to Ari. "You have split ends for days, you're not wearing any makeup, and it's fairly obvious that you didn't take my advice about the vegetarian diet."

Ari's face is emotionless, but her eyes tell everything. All her self-esteem, once being mended, only to be torn out and ripped to shreds by her mother's harsh words.

"Mother, you are relentless." She says, before making her way to the bedroom. Once she's at the bedroom door, she says "Haz", and I take it she wants me to follow. I walk with her into the bedroom, and close the door. I can faintly hear through the door her mother say "who the hell is he?"

Ariana paces around the room, so I decide to speak. "Ari--"

"Harry, as much as I love you, I really am not in the mood for a deep, sentimental speech from you." She tells me.

"Since when is there a mood for when I want to say, 'you're beautiful'? Is there also a mood for when I say 'I love you'?" I walk up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Can you just hold me?" She says, and I oblige, making our way over to the bed, and sitting down, pulling her onto my lap. She lays her head on my shoulder.

"No offense, but your mom's kind of a bitch..." I tell her.

"None taken. She is when she's stressed, but as much as I hate to admit it, I'm just like her when I'm on my period..." I laugh at how nonchalantly she says it.

She lifts her head up, leaning in to kiss me, but I stop her. "What if they hear?" I remind her, referring to her parents.

"Let them." She says before her lips brush against mine. I stop her again.


"Shut up, and kiss me." She says seductively, and I give in.

Our lips move in sync for a few minutes, before someone bangs on the bedroom door.

"Ariana! Come out here!" Her mother screeches.

"Ignore her...." Ari says before crashing her lips against mine again, my hands wrapping around her torso while hers cup my cheeks.

"Ariana, don't make me come in there!" She threatens.

We block her out, so it's just us in our own little world. Suddenly the door swings open, and her mother storms in.

I feel Ari smirk against my lips, as her mother shrieks, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Ariana pulls away slowly, turning to her mum, saying, "is there a problem, mother?"

The Spaces Between Us | hariana | lirianaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora