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"Just don't pretend you're just a friend, boy."


Cashmere Cat ft. Ariana Grande


After gathering ourselves, Ariana and I walk back into the conference room. We take our seats, and Scooter eyes us. I look at Ariana, and she looks at me.

"Scooter, it didn't mean anything..." She speaks first.

"No. Nothing means anything to you anymore." He points an accusing finger at her. "What about you, Harry? Did you feel any type of connection?"

I answer a little too quickly. "No. It was just a fling."

"Flings are a one time thing. You two have had sex twice in less then 24 hours....." Scooter states obviously trying to keep his cool.

Ariana simply shrugs, and I twiddle my thumbs. He sighs.

"Don't let it happen again." Scoot warns, rubbing his eyes in frustration.

"Trust me, it won't." Ari says, having a certain tone in her voice. I turn to look at her, and she glares at me. Before I can say anything to her, Scooter continues.

"Good. The next step is radio interviews. Ariana, you have one today. It's too early to come out about it, so hold off telling them. I don't care what you tell them, under some circumstances, just when they bring up the relationship; deny, deny, deny. Got it?" He asks.

"Yeah, whatever." Ariana replies, partially cutting of his last sentence.

"And drop the attitude while you're at it." He tells her.

She looks at him, her eyes blazing, and snaps, "Can I go now?"

"Yes. Get out." He dismisses her behavior, and she grabs Ophelia's leash, and storms out.

I stare at the door after her, about to follow, when Scoot tells me stay.

"Now, One Direction. Basically the same thing. Say you're really close friends with her. Say it was an edit, and she kissed you on the cheek. Don't let them know about it. Matter of fact; change the subject. Your interview is tomorrow. You guys can go." He tells us, and we nod, and get up to leave.

"Harry, lemme talk to you in the hallway for a second..." Scooter calls, and I sigh waiting for him in the corridor.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I know you felt something for her when you guys... y'know. I'm just telling you that the reason she got upset was because part of her didn't want you to say it was just a fling. Problem is, she built her walls too dang high to let anyone break them down. Harry, I think she still has feelings for you, but she won't let herself admit it. I know it seems that I only care about their careers, and my paycheck, but I honestly worry about Ariana. If she doesn't let someone in, she could end up....." He pauses, and I contemplate what he could say next. Hurt? Sad? Dead inside? Torn apart? Broken-hearted? "Lonely..."

"I understand." I respond.

"Good. Now, go after her." He pats my back.

I give him a small nod, and turn, following the direction she went in.

I get down to the parking lot, and Ariana is in a big car, talking to the boys, who stand outside of it. I approach the vehicle, and she ignores my presence, continuing her conversation with Liam. He whispers something in her ear, and she giggles, putting a hand over her smile. There's an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach as I watch this unfold, but I don't know what the feeling is. I can't possibly be jealous of Liam. Can I?

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