Additional Chapters: Part 2 (FIVE WEEKS EARLIER)

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Hey guys! I didn't have time to make a cover page so just adding the additional chapters here anyway. Did the best I could with this one- it's a bit rushed but I know I definitely wont get anything up for another two weeks and wanted to make sure I just something out- I will have to look over it again tomorrow and hope I don't cringe lol Plus WARNING SMUT. Probably not very well written but I will come back and fix it later? Anyway I was listening and vibing to Rapunzel by Drapht writing this part and planning ahead for the next parts, great song!! Guys should go check it out! Hope you enjoy!! xxxx y'all!!


“Yeah… oh, and do you guys also do vegan?” Kiara questions, pressing the motel room phone up closer to her ear- she had been on the other end with room service. “Yeah- would that be an option?… really? That would be great. Thanks… for room 101. Oh, and could two coffees be added?… sure, that’s all thanks- ok, bye.” Kiara hangs up. She releases a pent up sigh she’d been holding in. She sags her shoulders a little, letting her gaze float about the room. She’d ordered breakfast- for her and Rafe- and it’s only ten past six in the morning… she just really couldn’t get back to sleep. She’d had all these heavy thoughts weighing down her mind- they were really pestering her, and she'd begun to grow something close to a migraine. 

Anyway, she’s rarely ever up this early in the morning but today was different and she couldn’t get her head around thoughts roaming her mind or get herself back to sleep- she kind of guessed she’d been lucky someone from room service had even been up to pick up the phone this early. She purses her lips back, playing with her hands… it had been all the stress of the previous day… it had been playing again and again in her head, driving her crazy… all the drama of the previous day… her friends and how they reacted to what unfolded that day too… her friends and what they thought of her now… and if that had not been enough- her parents also hounded her with constant inundating texts. 

She gently pulls the blinds back a little to peer out of the window and to let in a little light. The motel had a pretty decent view of the beautiful Barbados ocean for the price they paid… it had been the best available option at such short notice- and Rafe refused to sleep again in his yacht  after having spent five nights out on the ocean straight, he needed a change- he needed to be somewhere else other than surround by those same walls as the yacht bobbed up and down- and much preferably on land- so room 101 became their little space- their little place- their kind of last minute resort, but a very surprisingly comfortable haven at that. She looked out- she could see as the red sun began to make its appearance over the horizon, spreading a vibrant array of colors across the sky, reflecting its colors that glistened against the water. It was truly beautiful.  

Her gaze lowers and her brows dip- catching a glimpse of some sudden movement just outside their motel- on the streets- someone with mussed up bleach blonde hair sprinting off the road, his hair bobbing up and down as he runs onto the pavement and slows as he disappears into a nearby shop- a small yellow and green painted convenience store… she’d only narrowly caught sight of it- sight of him- it had been a quick glimpse, he’d been that fast. We all know what she’s kind of wondering… was that just JJ? She tilts her head, pouting her lips, confused… she won’t move- his most probably up to no good- and she should stay put… she just can’t go to him- check on what he’d been up to- even if she still cared for him… she needed things to simmer between her and JJ before she could approach him again… she needed to prepare herself before hand if she were to ever confront JJ so soon… but her curiosity doesn’t waver- it keeps growing- and she really wants to know- the questions hound her… 

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