Additional Part: Part 5: Kook Kiara

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Hey guys! I know I said I would be two weeks but hey! here is a new one! But seriously the next part will be up in two weeks, I have promised myself. Picture I've added is of what Otis would look like, let me know if I should change the name. Anyway, came across an AMAZING Raira fantic you guys should read if you want more!! It's in Archieve Of Our Own called: Kiara and Rafe's Comprehensive Guide on Gaining Insurmountable Human Attention.... yessss, you will fall in love with it, it's unbelievably funny, the writing is brilliant and an amazing read- I'm literally in love, obsessed and wish it would be turned into an actual movie! Anyways, here's mine anyway lol my writing not as good but hey, I try! lol it's just here if you guys want to read my story either way! Love you all!! Enjoy!!


Her finger runs slowly along the side of the delicate bracelet that adorns her small wrist. Simmering jade green gemstones held together by a fine gold dainty chain. It looks elegant and shines on her skin. Ki adores it. She trails it lightly until it reaches the small pendant that hangs loosely at the end. It dangles and sparkles, the sun's glow touches it and brings out the intricate details of the pendant. A little sea turtle. A small smile moves against her lips.

A present Rafe gave her just the previous night after taking her out to dinner. He surprised her with it... and surprised her something more... he'd made a large contribution toward a charity he knew she'd held dearly close to her heart and felt deeply about. They'd had a week to get to know each other more- had many nights of long conversations- over drinks, over dinners, over long walks along the beaches of Barbados. The number of things he'd learnt about Ki... they'd been countless. He'd known her for years, but he'd only really begun to see her depth more. One thing that clearly stood out- how much she'd deeply cared for the environment... sea turtle in particular. They held something different- something special, deeply meaningful, to her, and she could carry a conversation on them to no end. Rafe had once passed out on the couch listening to her pour out all her knowledge on him at once- he'd tried to keep himself awake, reveling in the way her cheeks flustered as she spoke, and how her smile brightened and widened, she clearly loved that someone had been listening- but he couldn't keep up, and his heavy eyelids ended up letting him down. But he remembers she'd mentioned the Olive Ridley Project as one of her favorite projects she'd followed over social media. He'd even started following the group too. She'd had hopes she could one day be a part of the project, and even had thoughts of picking up and undertaking a veterinarian course so she'd be able to get a diploma and do something more to help.

She sat out on the large spacious verandah that wrapped around the large Barbados house- snug in the comfortable cushions on the couch. The warm breeze gently breaths into Rafe's silky shirt loosely fitted around her. She'd sometimes wear his shirts out of habit now, around the house. Usually after they'd been entangled in their sheets together, she'd been wrapped in Rafe's arms and scent, and after they'd made love, she'd find one of his shirts to wear... she kind of liked how comfortable they felt... or, even, maybe, how they smelt of him.

As much as all these things were good... to tell you the truth... she hates to admit- she feels like she may have turned into a bit of a kook... A real kook. Deep down she is still very much a pogue but... all the expensive dinners, expensive outings, expensive everythings...? She couldn't help how it made her feel like the one thing she detested being called the most. Rafe doesn't think twice about showering Ki with gifts either... his affection was something else- like he could give her everything- the world- and it still wouldn't be enough... any smile he'd bring to her face was all he needed to fill his lungs with an air for him to breathe happily that day. Ki thinks it's all unbelievably warm and sweet, she doesn't need all these things, she only needs him, but it did make him happy, and she didn't want to turn anything he gave her down.

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