Additional Part 18: Playing with Pirates

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Hey guys!! New part! Hope this turned out alright, had a bit more things on this week then I thought! lol but did my best. It's a filler anyway, with JJ, Maya and Jude, and hope I got them out ok! Anyway my story was supposed to have more of Jude but I think it would be to many additional additional parts lol and I wanted to get closer to the end and yet it still feels far. But this part should hopefully kinda explain his perspective a little and where his coming from. Anyway, enjoy!! And thank you for the suggestion of what the gender of Kie and Rafe's baby should be! Loved all the comments and ideas!! xxxx


JJ's back slumps hard against the wall of an old timber shed, causing it to shake a little.

He'd climbed off his dirt bike earlier, edging slowly toward an old run-down looking pier, making his way warily toward where he'd thought he'd spotted Maya altercating with a man he assumes to be Jude.

He presses his back to the old wood, using it to shield himself from view. He edges closer, trying to get a better position to hear in on their exchange as they stood on top of this old abandoned pier.

The timber planks creak, their footsteps heavy on the rooting wood, and JJ wonders why they'd chosen a place like this to meet.

He lets his back slide down further, straining out his hearing to hear into what they had been saying.

He turns his head, peering around the wall, his eyes finding Jude's tall frame, dangling a cigar between his fingers, obstructing JJ's view of Maya, who uses a stick to support her weight on a sprained ankle.

"You fucked up..." he scowls, his jaw clenching as he takes a step closer "and, now I have to fix it." he drops his cigar to the ground, putting it out with the tip of his long black boot.

"You don't have to fix anything-" she rasps back, her voice slightly trembling with the need to stress how certain she was "there's nothing to fix, because you're making it into a big deal-" she is stopped when Jude's face contorts with anger and he strides over completely closing their gap, his gray eyes steeled to hers, his wavy black hair falls over his face before he swipes it away- Maya almost losing her stick at the shock of his rapid advance.

"You know what? Maybe if you'd listened to me..." he snarls, losing his patience. "We wouldn't be in this position. We wouldn't be having this conversation and that treasure would have already been mine... meanwhile, Piera's hands are tightening around my neck day by day, Maya... because of you, we are delayed yet again..." he rasps. "Every day that goes by, and we don't have that treasure, Piera cuts off a little more of the air to my lungs, you know that?..." he stares her down, then scoffs. "And I don't want any more inconveniences or complications, you hear me?" his tone warns her, the tension in his voice fills her ears, seeping into her body. His eyes remain set on her- they don't break until a devious glint begins to lurk behind them.

A smile rolls on his lips. He scoffs. "You know can fix this."

Maya glares back at him, bewildered.

"Here is what you will do-" he licks his lips, searching and sorting his ideas through his mind, until his eyes come up... they travel over her shoulder, locking onto a figure that stood on another pier a distance away on the other side... they narrow onto a girl brightly lifting to her feet on this pier, a few meters away... Kiara then embracing Rafe as he'd handed her flowers.

Maya's eyes widen, waiting for him to continue... His lengthy pause was making her heart beat faster, her gut coil with something uncomfortable and heavy. He scratches his chin thoroughly, the corners of his lips upturning.

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