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Vincent's pov

You'll never quess what. My sister can't pick up Emily and she decides to let me know 12 minutes late. Here I am rushing to get to the school.

Once I get there I don't even bother about parking because who's gonna stop me from doing what I want?

Someone who wants to die. That's who.

Once I reach the classroom I knock on the door. Again.

Emily told me the name of her teacher. Miss Evelyn Hunter.

Evelyn answers the door and share eye contact. I don't know what the fuck it is but she always takes my breath away.

What the fucking fuck!? Is that a bruise on her arm.

"Is that a bruise" for fuck fucking sake I did not just say that.

"Yeah just from the past but it don't matter anyways" she smiles. From the past?

Whatever that meant has made me wonder now for fuck sake.

Emily comes out and has alot of stickers on her.

"V-Vincent l-look I-I've b-been g-good" she says proudly. She says goodbye to Evelyn then we head home.

Looking after Evelyn is so tiring all she wants to do is play. I don't have time to play I have work to get to and go to.

My sister is fuckin lovely we're blood. Yeah as you can tell I despise my sister. She's a druggie and what's worse is she abandons Emily all the time.

No one can tell when she's on drugs but I can. My mom can. My dad can.

I hate my dad but I love my mom. She's always been there for me when dad kept pushing me or when I fell in depression. She was there.

I'm okay now. I'm more powerful than ever. No one can fuckin get in my way.

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