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Evelyn's pov

I'm freaking out! Vincent and I have a date in 2 hours and I'm not even ready.

Hayley is picking an outfit out because she said she knows the perfect outfit.

I'm sat in a chair fiddling with my fingers.

"Ah here's the one" she pulls out a right white dress that I did not know I owned.

"Now let's do your make up before you put it on" she says. I smile and nod.

She's really good at makeup. I rarely put make up on usually it's just mascara and lip stick. She's going all off today.

An hour passes and she's done with my make up. Finally, I didn't know make up can take such a long time.

"Dress" she says. Hayley hands me the dress and I go into the bathroom to put it on.

Once it's on I look in the mirror. I curled my hair earlier. So it looks really nice then my make up is amazing then the dress pays it all off.

"You look beautiful" she says as she hands me some white and gold heels. My eye shadow is gold too!

"Thank you lee" i say. She hugs me and rushes me out because we're a minute late.

I see Vincent standing at the bottom of the stairs on his phone looking handsome as ever.

He looks up when he hears heels clicking and puts his phone away.

I reach the bottom and he holds out his hand I put my hand in his.

"You look so beautiful baby" he says and I blush not like there's already blush on my face but I blush.

"You look handsome" I say and we kiss. He leads me out the door and into the car. My favourite white car.

He smiles and helps me into the car. Vincent is defo my home.

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