Oh no

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Evelyn's pov

It's now lunch and I'm watching on everyone as they play. Lucky me!

Some kids aren't in today because there's a bug spreading around. There's only 9 people in my group today then 5 in Hayley's but she has a small group.

I hear a kid scream.

"Miss Emily's fell" I heard bianca say. Oh no!!

I rush over and see some blood. Oh for god sake I don't do blood.

"Emily can you hear me?" I question. She's bleeding at the side of her head.

"Y-yes" she cries. It hurts to see little kids cry I don't know why it just hurts.

I pick her up and take her to first aid and Hayley takes over lunch duty.

I dial her moms number but she doesn't answer. The only number I can see is Vincent's. Here goes nothing.




"Hello" I hear his voice come through the phone.

"Hello, it's Emily's teacher. Can you come pick her up please" I hear him sigh through the phone.

"What's happened" he asks now concerned.

"She's had a fall and the side of her head is bleeding I think she may need to go to the hospital to get it checked over" he deeply sighs. He must be busy.

"Alright I'll be there soon" he says then hangs up. I sigh then go back to Emily.

"Your uncle is going to pick you up darling" I say and try and keep Emily's hair out of her face.

"O-okay" she sniffles.

We wait only 5 minutes then he's here. I pick Emily up since she's complaining of a head ache and scraped knees.

"V-Vinny!!" Emily squeals. I hand her over to Vincent which then I have to figure out what happened to her.

Vincent stares at me whiles I just nod then sit down to fill some paper work that Emily has gone home.

He leaves with Emily and hopefully goes to a hospital.

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