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Vincent's pov

We are now in a different country celebrating our wedding. Evelyn and I are really anxious about leaving greyson. Anything could happen to him and were in a different country.

"He'll be fine love" I say as I reassure myself too.

I must say last night was the most funnest night of my life. My member agrees.

"Baby I'm sore" Evelyn says as she crosses her arms over her chest. Damm.

"Omg Vincent stopppp" she says as she unfolds her arms making me laugh. Only she can make me laugh.

~ ~ ~

"That picture was so cute" Evelyn says. We're sat on the beach watching the sunset whiles Evelyn takes pictures of us.

She must have atleast took 200 in the last 5 minutes.

"Are you excited to see greyson tomorrow" Evelyn asks. It's been a week and today is our last day.

This week has been filled with a lot of fun time and dates.

"Of course I am" I say. I didn't feel eased enough leaving grey with my mom in case my dad came back from a job and sees him so Oakley and Sam offered to look after him.

They've sent us photos of him every day which makes Evelyn smile. I love her smile.

"I bet he's crying right now" Evelyn says as I chuckle and agree.

Grey is my son and I love him a lot but when he keeps Evelyn up all night I feel disappointed in him.

I wouldn't mind if he kept me up all night but he keeps Evelyn up all night, with her going back to her job she needs the sleep.

But grey is a good boy he just needs to quit the crying all night thing.

~ ~ ~

We're now getting on my private plane ready to back home. I'm so glad to know I'll be seeing my son soon.

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