No more work

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Evelyn's pov

I'm officially a stay at home mom.

Vincent suggested it and I said yes since I can't really walk around as I used to.

Having kids really makes your old legs come and shine.

"I have some news" Becca says. Me and Vincent snap our heads up to her.

"Vincent your going to be a big brother" she says happily.

He spits out his water and looks at her wide eyed. I too look at her wide eyed.

"Y-your having a baby" he says in shock mode.

"Yep. It's my last year of being able to have one so your dad gave me one" he says and I giggle.

Their heads snap to me and I cover it up with a cough.

"Sorry that made me laugh for some reason" i say and look away.

"Your cute" Vince says.

"How far along" I say and she thinks.

"I think about 2 months I haven't been to the doctors yet" she says and I nod.

"Vincent how do you feel about it" she asks worrying.

"I'm okay with it. But it will be awkward that's all" he says.

"Why will it be awkward" she asks and laughs.

"My little brother or sister will be 20 when I'm 40 something that's like 20 years apart" he says and shrugs.

"I know love but it's worth it" she says and hugs him.

"I'm off" she says and gets up. She exits the door and Vincent falls back on the sofa groaning.

"It's not that bad baby" I say and caress his legs.

"Its not that bad baby" he mocks me and I roll my eyes.

"Dada" grey cries from upstairs.

Vince groans again before getting up and going upstairs to attend him.

He's such a great dad. I'm so lucky that the father of my children is a good one.

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