Chapter 48

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Max was happy now, cuddling with Brad on the couch. He had really missed the man and even though it was hard to really think things through, he just knew that he wanted to stay with him right now.

There was a lot of talking going on, but the words were difficult to follow for him, and he just settled against Braddy, smiling while he sucked his fingers and occasionally poked a cheek with a wet finger and getting a smile in return.

Then Daniel gave a bottle to Brad, which Maxie was very happy for, because he was still a bit hungry, but the food had been so complex and too difficult for him.

And now Braddy was here, he didn't even need to hold his own bottle! Instead, the big man shifted him enough, so he was half lying, supported by an arm and the other offered him the bottle.

By now, Maxie knew how he had to suck the bottle, and even though it was still a bit clumsy, he got a good rhythm of sucking swallowing and breathing going, not even stopping when he felt himself pee, knowing that the diaper would soak it all up.

Lando kept on tickling his feet though, even when Maxie pulled them away and complained with a low whine, managing to spill some of the milk that had still been in his mout over himself when he tried to move his feet away from Lando again. Luckily, he was still wearing the bib and it wasn't a lot of spillage.

"Lando, leave Max alone," Brad said strictly, feeling the little in his arms stiffen up and look at him with big eyes. Brad's eyes widened and he quickly making some soothing noises and offered the bottle again, swearing at himself for causing the distress.

But Maxie didn't take the bottle, instead he gazed at Brad with wide eyes and let out a small whine, seemingly too little to form words.

"What's wrong with him?" Lando asked in concern, shifting and looking at Maxie.

"He's just a little scared I think," Brad said, rocking Maxie as good as he could, and keeping his voice soft and calm, "hey there, it's okay. I just wanted Lando to stop bothering you,"

Soft words continued and when he offered the bottle again, Maxie opened his mouth warily, still keeping his gaze fixed to Brad, as if he was unsure that the man would stay nice, but he when nothing happened, he settled again, drinking the rest of the bottle.

Maxie gave a few slow sucks, but kept his eyes fixed on Brad. The raised voice just when he had spilled the milk had startled him, and Maxie had been so sure that Brad had been angry at him, but when only soft words followed and he wasn't being pushed from the lap, Maxie started to calm down again.

He finished off the bottle, and was then shifted until he was straddling Brad's lap, his head lying on the broad shoulder and the legs under his diapered bum softly bouncing. Max giggled at the feeling, startled by a suddenburp coming up.

"What a good boy you are," Brad said, pleased to feel the little snuggle into him after the burp, "now where is your paci?"

"Got it right here," Daniel said, gently putting it in Max's mouth. He had been studying the scene in front of him, and it was easy to see how the two of them fitted each other. It seemed like Maxie was indeed lucky with his trainer, "me and Lando need to get going soon,"

"Ah, that's okay," Brad said, "me and Maxie are ready to go as well, aren't we sweetheart?"

A few sounds came from Max, but nothing that really could be discerned. Brad gathered up Max's stuff, and left with Max held firmly in his hand. Trying to put him on his feet had only resulted in Maxie falling down.

But Brad caught him before he could hit the floor and they bid goodbye to the other two. Well, Brad said bye. Max tried to hide his face in Brad's neck, suddenly feeling a little shy.

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