If he dies, I die!

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We arrived and I got out of the car. As soon as I stepped my feet out I heard a little voice in my head say "here we go again". I just standed there staring at some girls that were giving me dirty looks. Tom came next to me and putted his hand around my waist. We started walking up to the rest of the gang when suddenly we heard a loud gunshot. We both flinched and I hugged Tom. It was a never ending story. We quickly ran inside and locked the door. We all looked at each other trying to understand if we left someone behind.

"Lukas!" Tom snapped and quickly ran to the door.

Klaus stopped him.

"Boss... are you out of your mind?" Klaus asked Tom scared.

"It's my fucking brother! Now get out of the way!" Tom screamed at Klaus and pushed him.

Tom got out of the building. I suddenly ran to the door to follow him. Klaus catched me.

"What are you doing?" He screamed at me.

"If he dies, I die!" I screamed and pushed Klaus.

"You're crazy!" I heard Klaus shouting to me but I didn't even turn to look at him.

As soon as I got out of the building I regretted it. It was dark and I couldn't see anything. I could only hear the gunshots taking place next to me.

"Tom!" I shouted.

I didn't get a respond. I continued walking around trying to find Tom.

I couldn't hear him which made me more anxious. Suddenly all the gunshots stopped and I felt two hands around me. I started screaming and kicking the air trying to get away.

"Don't speak!" I heard an unknown voice whisper in my ear.

My heart started racing again and my mind wasn't working. I was so scared. I could feel my eyes moving left and right trying to figure where I am but it was too dark.

"Tom!" I screamed.

"Tom help me!" I screamed crying while I was trying to fight the guy that was holding me.

"Gia!" I heard Tom scream from distance.

"Tom help me!" I screamed back

"Gia! Where are you!" Tom screamed

"I'm right here! Please Tom help me" I screamed.

"Leave her alone!" Tom screamed.

"Tom!" I screamed.

"Keep screaming Gia!" Tom shouted.

I then felt Tom's hands on me. I reached out my hands trying to figure out where he is. When my hands touched his neck I quickly hugged him as hard as I could. He took me to his arms and pushed the other guy to the ground. He then shot him and started running with me in his hug. When we got in the building everyone stared at us. I let him go and he kissed me.

"Why did you go out there!" He shouted to me.

"Why did you let her!" Tom snapped at Klaus who was looking at the ground.

"Never do that again" Tom said to me in a more calmed voice.

I nodded. As I was looking at him I noticed some blood on his face. My gaze continued searching his body for wounds when I saw that his shirt was soaked in blood. I turned white. I pulled his shirt up and I saw that he was shot in the lower chest.

"Oh my God are you okay?" I asked scared while looking at his wound.

"Yeah don't worry... it's just a little scratch." He said.

He then walked towards the table. His mates did as well and they started talking. I wasn't paying much attention to their conversation. I was just sitting there trying to calm myself down.

I then heard Tom cough. I looked at him and I noticed that he was spitting blood.

"Boss... are you okay?" Klaus snapped while touching Tom's shoulder.

Tom didn't answer and after a couple seconds he fell to the ground unconscious.

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