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While I was waiting for someone to come out and inform me about Tom's condition, I could do other than think about it.

I remained silent, even though I wanted to talk. It's a way of coping. Discussing about anything just to keep your brain distracted. But something inside me knew that it wouldn't help in this situation.

I kept staring at the walls, the big windows, the nurses running up and down the aisle, the strangers being informed about their loved ones while I was still left there. Wondering about what is happening in there. That harsh and awful question that keeps consuming my soul, leaving me in the darkness of the unknown. My gaze being stuck to the hospital wall. My eyes widened causing them to feel sore and start watering while I'm bitting ny nails in an annoying way.

I felt Klaus looking at me. I could feel his eyes burning holes to the back of my head.
I got up suddenly causing his gaze to follow my figure. He looked at me dead in the eyes and got up as well.

"Where are you going?" He asked while holding my shoulder.

I looked at his hand that was placed on my shoulder and I pulled back annoyed.

"I'm just going to the toilet, chill out" I said clearly annoyed and just walked to the restroom.

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