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We arrived home and Tom went immediately to the bathroom. Probably to take a look at his wound.

He came out of the bathroom with a confused look on his face while holding his shirt up.

"Why am I sewed up?" He asked. His expression was almost funny.

"I did it. Did I do good?" I asked.

"You did this?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah..." I answered.

"Oh great. You sure I'm not going to die?" He asked.

"Oh god." I said, rolling my eyes.

"I'm just saying!" He chuckled.

I didn't reply. I just looked at him with an angry look on my face.

"I'm just kidding baby. You did great." He said, walking towards me with a smile on his face.

My angry expression was replaced by a smile.

"Thank you." I said, looking proud of myself.

Time passed quickly. His wound was almost healed. He continued fighting though. He would leave the house and come back filled with wounds.

One night while he was sleeping he started talking in his sleep.

"I don't want to die!" He cried in his sleep.

"I'm not ready! I don't want to leave her alone!" He shouted still asleep.

My eyes widened. His screams woke me up. I started shaking him to wake him up.

"Shh baby... wake up..." i said in a comforting way trying to calm him down.

He woke up with tears in his eyes. A terrified look written on his face. He looked at me scared and he hugged me tightly still crying while his face was buried in the curve of my neck.

"Shhh... it was just a nightmare baby... relax" I said while caressing his back softly.

The next day he acted like it never happened. He didn't talk about it. Every time I tried to talk about it he would change the subject. It seemed like it was way too traumatizing for him. I still wonder what made him cry. I'm still analyzing the words he mumbled in his sleep.

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